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Grzegorz Braun extinguished the Hanukkah candles. Comments by Tomasz Terlikowski and Adam Szostkiewicz

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Comments remain on the scandalous behavior of Grzegorz Braun in the Sejm. According to RMF FM journalist Tomasz Terlikowski, after the Confederate politician’s attack on the Hanukkah candlestick, “Grzegorz Braun should receive bouquets of flowers from Vladimir Putin.” In turn, the editor of the weekly “Polityka”, Adam Szostkiewicz, pointed out that PiS began to use the Braun case to practice current politics.

On Tuesday afternoon, Confederation MP Grzegorz Braun took a fire extinguisher that was standing in the Sejm corridor, approached the Hanukkah menorah and extinguished it, disturbing the Jewish Festival of Lights taking place in the Sejm Chancellery.

FIND OUT MORE: Grzegorz Braun grabbed a fire extinguisher in the Sejm and extinguished the Hanukkah candles

– This is an event for which there are no good words in the language of civilized people, because the ones that are used are simply vulgar – admitted RMF FM journalist Tomasz Terlikowski in an interview on TVN24. – Grzegorz Braun broke the completely fundamental principle of freedom of conscience, religion and respect for other people’s feelings, emotions and religious beliefs – he said.

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Tomasz Terlikowski emphasized that the Confederation politician “did it as a representative of the state in the Sejm building.” – Grzegorz Braun, who begins all his statements with the phrase “God bless you”, showed that he does not actually understand what Christianity is and that his views have nothing to do with Christianity – he added.

Terlikowski: Braun showed that he doesn’t actually understand what Christianity isTVN24

The RMF FM journalist pointed out that according to the teachings of the popes – from John Paul II to Francis – an attack on Jews is an attack on Christ. – An attack on Judaism is an attack on the Gospel and Christianity – he explained.

– Grzegorz Braun attacked specific people with specific faces and specific traditions that have created Poland for centuries and who have lived here. He did it in a country where the Holocaust occurred and where some Poles cooperated with Germany in this terrible action. They were not responsible for it like the Germans, but there was also Jedwabne in Poland. And he showed why it was possible – he pointed out.

Terlikowski: Braun attacked specific people with specific faces and specific traditions

Terlikowski: Braun attacked specific people with specific faces and specific traditionsTVN24

Terlikowski: absolute attack on the Polish raison d’état

Tomasz Terlikowski added that what Grzegorz Braun did is “an absolute attack on the Polish raison d’état.” – This is a man who showed that for him the interests of Poland, our country, do not matter at all if he can put on a show. All that matters is its interest, and perhaps the interest of other countries, he pointed out.

– There is no doubt that champagne corks were popping in the Kremlin today and Grzegorz Braun should receive bouquets of flowers from Vladimir Putin and other people of this type – he added.

Grzegorz Braun extinguished the Hanukkah candlesMarcin Obara/PAP/EPA

Earlier, former Auschwitz prisoner and historian Marian Turski commented on Grzegorz Braun’s behavior. He said that the Confederate politician “showed his true face as a Polish fascist.”

READ ALSO: Scandal with Grzegorz Braun in the Sejm. Marian Turski: showed his true face

Szostkiewicz: PiS has started to use the Braun case in its current political action

– It is equally disgusting politically and morally for me that KaczyÅ„ski’s camp immediately started to use this case in the current political action against the government, which is yet to be formally sworn in – emphasized Adam Szostkiewicz, editor of the weekly “Polityka”, on TVN24.

READ ALSO: JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski wants HoÅ‚ownia to resign due to Grzegorz Braun’s behavior

Szostkiewicz: PiS has started to use the Braun case in its current political action

Szostkiewicz: PiS has started to use the Braun case in its current political actionTVN24

He explained that PiS politicians recalled the Marshal’s case Elżbieta Witek and “it was presented in this context, completely unrelated to the case.” – She was presented as a victim of the new Sejm, and especially of Marshal HoÅ‚ownia – he explained.

– At the same time, an attack was launched on the new Sejm, in which the majority is held by the Coalition on October 15, which won the vote on the appointment Szymon HoÅ‚ownia for the position of marshal, he added.

Szostkiewicz: an attack was launched on the new Sejm

Szostkiewicz: an attack was launched on the new SejmTVN24

Main photo source: Marcin Obara/PAP/EPA

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