Craig Boynton, who has worked with Hubert Hurkacz for the past five years, is highly regarded in the tennis community, but names such as Goran Ivanisevic, Ivan Ljubicic, Juan Martin del Potro and Brad Gilbert make a much bigger impression on fans. Those analyzing the Pole's current situation also mention other names of his potential trainers. One of them would make Hurkacz refer to Agnieszka Radwańska's move, or even surpass it. However, it is possible that in the coming months he will also decide on a slightly unusual solution.
A perfect match wasn't enough. “Watching that match, I had the feeling that something had burned out”
Hurkacz and Boynton have become an inseparable duo in recent years. It was under the watchful eye of the American, who had previously only worked with his compatriots, that the WrocÅ‚aw player went from the world's TOP70 ranking to the TOP10, won eight ATP tournaments (including two “thousanders”) and reached the semi-finals of Wimbledon. However, on Friday, just after being eliminated in the second round of the US Open, they announced the end of their cooperation. The coach was the first to post on social media, but behind the scenes we hear that we should not conclude from this that he proposed the breakup. It was the Pole's decision.
– In the competitive sportsespecially in an individual sport like tennis, every player has to be selfish. If he feels that he is not moving forward, he has to change something and usually the easiest thing to do – no matter how it sounds – is to change the coach. Here, it took quite a long time before they decided to part ways. In my opinion, the American shaped Hubert as a tennis player, made him a world-class player. They were a perfect match in terms of character and approach to tennis. Together they came in to the TOP10 and I think that Hubert will always be grateful to Boynton for that – Adam Romer, editor-in-chief of the “Tenis Klub” magazine, tells
Indeed, Hurkacz has not been brilliant this season. He has won only one minor tournament so far, and has said goodbye to key events prematurely. The second-round elimination at Wimbledon was especially painful, but the main role there was played by injury knees. The seventh-ranked tennis player in the world withdrew from the Paris Olympics, retired in the quarterfinals in Cincinnati, and was eliminated from the US Open in the second round.
– This is a delicate period and I wouldn't like to say too much about Hubert and Craig, but I really appreciate the titanic work that they both did. Hubert is a perfectionist. I don't know if anyone else would have endured this daily discipline and his total dedication to tennis. And Craig patiently assisted him in this, subordinating his entire life to Hubert's improvement. I think that this unfortunate and painful injury played its part in all of this. It undoubtedly disrupted preparations for the game later in the summer. Maybe Hubert didn't feel pain in his knee anymore, but he did in other parts of the body, and this type of injury leaves a mark on the psyche for a long time – says Wojciech Fibak in an interview with
And he goes back to Hurkacz's last New York appearance. – Watching the match with Jordan Thompson, who, by the way, played the match of his life against Hubert, I had the feeling that something had probably burned out in the relationship between Hubert and his coach. It turns out that they felt it then too – emphasizes the famous tennis player of years ago.
According to Romer, the burnout probably happened earlier. This is how he explains the fact that the long-standing cooperation between the player and the coach, who had become very close, ended during the season.
– They've probably been dragging the momentum in the last few months. Maybe they should have made this decision a bit earlier? Now it's just speculation. But they've probably reached a point where Hubert hasn't really been getting anything from Craig in terms of his game development. The question is whether he'll be able to find someone who will give him that extra input. And whether there'll be a coach who will suit him as well in terms of character as the American – wonders Romer.
There is a general consensus in the community not only that Hurkacz and Boynton were on the same wavelength, but also that the family atmosphere in the team is very important to the Pole. The rest of the staff are his compatriots, with whom he gets along great and has worked together for years.
“Hurkacz can afford the best coaches in the world.” Big stars on the Pole's list
Not all of the people interviewed want to speak under their names about Hurkacz's current situation. Some do not hide the fact that they were surprised that his cooperation with Boynton did not end earlier. Others believe that the right time has come only now. There is also a difference of opinion about the use of the Pole's potential over the last five years. Some claim that it can be said that this is a lack of satisfaction, but there are also voices that the successes achieved were perhaps even beyond measure.
– I think that if you asked people who know about tennis whether, in their eyes, Hubert is the real seventh racket in the world, 80 percent would say no. Let's look at the ranking – many players who play brilliantly are behind him, but they have, for example, a slump in their game or health problems – emphasizes one of my interlocutors.
Will these greatest coaches want to work with the Pole? There is agreement on this, although some point to Hurkacz's position in the tennis world, and others primarily to his financial capabilities. – Hubert can afford the best coaches in the world – assures one of the experts.
However, when the name of Ivan Lendl, winner of eight Grand Slam titles, is mentioned in the corridors, my interlocutors unanimously agree that there is little chance that the legendary player who helped Andy Murray in the past would still want to travel the world to tournaments. He would also be a very expensive option. Hiring him would be somewhat reminiscent of Agnieszka Radwańska's move to hire Martina Navratilova. Except that in this case Tomasz Wiktorowski remained the head coach, and the legendary player was only a consultant. This cooperation did not bring the expected results and ended quickly.
Even if not Lendl, several other names analyzed by Hurkacz and his team – which unofficially confirmed by several people from the environment – also make a great impression. Among them are the previously mentioned famous Croatians – Goran Ivanisevic and Ivan Ljubicic. Here, too, the question arises whether the first – known for his expressive nature – would fit in with the very calm Pole in this respect. It could be treated as an experiment. As for Ljubicic, there are individual doubts whether, due to his other commitments, he would be able to ride with Hurkacz all year long.
The latest option is Brad Gilbert. The former coach of Agassi, Andy Roddick and Murray, among others, recently worked with Coco Gauff, but they reportedly parted ways after the American's disappointing performance at the US Open, which was crowned by a poor results in the summer. Another possibility reportedly considered by the Wrocław native is Magnus Norman, who worked with Stan Wawrinka for many years, and the Swiss is ending his career soon.
Hurkacz to reach for a star and a coaching debutant? Diamond exchange and playing without a coach
The option of hiring Juan Martin del Potro is very interesting for fans and in terms of marketing. The 35-year-old Argentine announced his retirement from tennis only in 2022, although for the last two seasons he has only been struggling unsuccessfully with chronic injuries that have severely marked his career. A career during which he triumphed at the 2009 US Open, won two Olympic medals and was the runner-up in the ATP ranking. He is a very well-known and liked figure in the world of tennis, but he has no coaching experience yet. However, it is also a fact that Ivanisevic, Lendl and Boris Becker, who was also mentioned once during these talks about Hurkacz's future, are also not classic tennis coaches.
– The question is which way Hubert will go – will he look for a mentor in the style of Lendl, Becker or Ivanisevic, or someone like Marian Vajda [współpracowaÅ‚ dÅ‚ugo z Djokovicem, przez pewien czas wspólnie z Ivaniseviciem – red]or a real tennis coach. But the question is, does Hubert need someone like that at this stage of his career? It seems to me that he is formed enough that I would rather see him going in the direction of a mentor, a former star who will inspire him to achieve some spectacular victory – indicates Romer.
Another interviewee, who prefers to remain anonymous, also assures us that Hurkacz does not need to be taught how to play tennis. At the same time, he states that the 27-year-old does not need a motivator, because he is very ambitious himself.
– Sometimes this ambition even blocks him a bit. On top of that, he is very well prepared physically. He has great potential. As a tennis player, he is still young, so he just needs to be polished and he can be sold very well on the diamond exchange. I think there will be no shortage of people willing to work with him. And he needs a navigator, a kind of captain of the ship – the expert illustrates it vividly.
Hurkacz is now preparing for the autumn starts in Asia and indoor events in Europe, in which he will have quite a few points to defend. At the same time, he has to choose a coach. My interlocutors agree that the Wrocław player will not rush into a decision and may even play formally without a coach until the end of the season.
– I can imagine that they will now use such a patchwork system. That is, Hubert will be accompanied by the rest of the staff during tournaments, to which, for example, Aleksander Charpantidis may be added for a while [w przeszÅ‚oÅ›ci pracowaÅ‚ z Hurkaczem i kilkoma innymi polskimi tenisistami – red.] or someone else – indicates Romer.
Others, however, claim that Hurkacz can rely solely on his own experience, possibly asking about individual rivals before matches other players or consult briefly, even remotely, with different coaches. Most expect to start working with a new coach before the new season. However, it is possible that it will happen sooner.