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Italy, G7 summit. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on support for Ukraine and Putin's ultimatum

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The G7 reiterates its unanimous commitment to defend the international rules-based system put in danger by Russian aggression – this is how Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni summed up the concluded G7 summit in Puglia, southern Italy. The head of the right-wing government emphasized that the leaders “gave Ukraine unanimous and firm support, which will remain in force as long as necessary.”

– The G7 reiterates its unanimous commitment to defend the international system of rules based on law, endangered by Russian aggression – said the head of the Italian government, referring to the position of the “seven” on the matter Ukraine. – We intend to continue to support Ukraine and have decided to strengthen our actions and commitment to help the attacked country, Meloni explained.

Frozen funds for invaded Ukraine and Putin's “propaganda”.

She emphasized that the implementation of the agreement concluded at the summit to transfer approximately USD 50 billion from profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine will be determined from a technical point of view in the coming weeks.

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She described the peace proposal presented by… as “propaganda”. Vladimir Putin. “If President Putin's proposal is this: we are ready for peace negotiations if Ukraine recognizes the invasion of Ukraine and gives up the occupied territories, then it does not seem effective to me,” Meloni said. She reminded that it was Russia occupies four regions of Ukraine. She considered the Kremlin's position to be “disinformation” regarding responsibility for the conflict.

What was agreed at the G7 summit?Angelika Maj/Fakty o Świecie TVN24 BiS

Questions about Donald Trump

The Italian Prime Minister was asked whether she was concerned that she might take part in the next G7 summit Donald Trump as president of the United States, she replied: – I am not concerned about the American ones electionsbecause I prefer not to go into the issue of elections in allied countries, just as I have never liked the fact that others dealt with elections in Italy. Referring to the conflict in the Middle East, she stated that the participants supported the “valuable mediation proposal” presented by United Statesproviding for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of all Israeli hostages.

“The Hamas Trap”

Asked about the position towards Israel, leading the operation in the Gas Strip, added: “We must remember who started it all and it was not Israel, but the one who murdered civilians, women and children.” – Now we must work for peace, which means conducting dialogue, recognizing Israel's right to security and living in peace, and the right of the Palestinians to have their own state and live in it peacefully, said Giorgia Meloni. “It seems,” she added, “that Israel has fallen into the trap of Hamas, whose goal was to isolate it, and it seems to be working.”

Migration crisis

Meloni said that the participation in the summit of representatives of many invited countries and international organizations proves that the G7 is not a “closed fortress that has to defend itself against someone.” She added that the image of the G7 as a “West versus the rest of the world” confrontation should be overturned. The hostess of the meeting noted that Italy's position on the approach to Africa had been adopted, and its essence – she explained – was “to unite efforts to continue building a model contributing to the development” of this continent. She also explained that when it comes to combating immigrant smuggling, the model rule is “follow the money”, i.e. combating this practice by gangs. She cited data that currently show that smuggling of migrants on a global scale brings more profits to criminals than smuggling of weapons and drugs.

She considered Friday's participation a “historic event.” Pope Francis at the G7 deliberations. She recalled that for the first time in the almost 50 years of this forum's existence, the Pope participated in it.

Pope Francis welcomed by Meloni upon his arrival at the G7 summit

Pope Francis welcomed by Meloni upon his arrival at the G7 summitReuters

“No ideological approach” on climate

Referring to the issue of climate, Meloni stated that the fight against climate change should be conducted without an “ideological approach”. When asked why the summit's final declaration makes no reference to the right to safe and legal abortion, the Prime Minister explained that the G7 rule is that official documents “do not repeat the same issues.” She added that there was a “clear” reference to abortion in the document from the G7 summit in Hiroshima. The lack of this reference in Puglia became the reason for a polemic between the Italian Prime Minister and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. However, Meloni said that the polemic was “created” and “there was no reason for an argument.” The Italian Prime Minister expressed her belief that the heads of state and government left Puglia delighted with this region and everything that the organizers had prepared for them: from Andrea Bocelli's recital to the traditional pasta from this region, i.e. orecchiette, handmade by the local housewives.

Main photo source: RESENTMENT

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