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Joe Biden – Donald Trump debate. Comments in “Facts after Facts”

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There is no way out at the moment. Changing the candidate would create chaos – said prof. Bohdan Szklarski in “Fakty po Faktach” after Joe Biden's poor performance in the presidential debate. – Every three minutes there was a lie. (…) How many people out of these 60 million Americans verify this data? They see a man who is strong, speaks with conviction and this message moves forward – said Jędrzej Bielecki, a former correspondent from Washington, about Donald Trump's performance.

The guests of “Fakty po Faktach” were prof. Bohdan Szklarski – Americanist and political scientist from the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Jędrzej Bielecki from “Rzeczpospolita”, former correspondent in Washington.

They commented on the pre-election debate Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 67 percent of those watching the presidential debate in USA thought that Donald Trump won, and only 33 percent indicated Joe Biden – according to survey conducted on behalf of CNN. The debate increased Americans' concerns about Biden's age. Leading American media even suggest changing the candidate of the Democratic party.

See also: Poll: Most voters say Trump won the debate

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– If I were the head of the Democratic campaign, I would say: “Hallelujah and forward”. There is no way out at this point. I would not suggest that Joe Biden resign, because it would introduce much greater chaos into the party – said Prof. Szklarski.

He explained that Joe Biden, who should be the driving force of the entire party, is a “very poor locomotive.” – But if we were to replace him, all these party structures would suddenly fall into a state of chaos, tension and confusion – he added.

Joe Biden After Debate: I Know I'm Not Young, But I Know How to Tell the TruthKatarzyna Sławińska/Fakty TVN

“Trump leaves us with the image of a president who does not have the strength to lead the presidency”

– Leading media believe that this is the last moment to replace the candidate. This was the original plan – Biden suggested that there would be one term, that he would be a “bridge president” between Trump and the new candidate. It is possible to promote such a candidate from scratch, because there were several presidents who were promoted this way, but it only took a year. There is no such time now, said Jędrzej Bielecki.

He also said that he believed there would be no second presidential debate because it would not be in Donald Trump's interest. – Trump leaves us with the image of a president who does not have the strength to lead the presidency – he added.

Bielecki also said that “the whole debate was a series of lies”. – There was a lie every three minutes, I counted about thirty of them. Trump said that 20 million illegal immigrants had entered America, that Biden wanted to quadruple taxes. Biden did not respond, nor did the moderators. This message is passed on. How many people, out of these 60 million Americans, verify this data? They see a man who is strong, speaks with conviction and this message is passed on – he said.

Main photo source: WILL LANZONI/CNN/EPA/PAP

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