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Letter to Jarosław Kaczyński Zbigniew Ziobro, expenses from the Justice Fund. Michał Wójcik: there were hundreds, if not thousands of such letters

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– This is proof that Jarosław Kaczyński was fully aware that the irregularities that occurred in the spending of the Justice Fund began even before the 2019 elections – said Magdalena Sroka (PSL) in “Kropka nad i”, referring to the disclosed letter from the PiS chairman to former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. Michał Wójcik (Sovereign Poland) said that he “does not see anything extraordinary in this”. He added that Kaczyński wrote more such letters.

MP Magdalena Sroka (PSL), chairwoman of the parliamentary committee of inquiry into Pegasus, and MP of Sovereign Poland and former deputy minister of justice Michał Wójcik were asked in “Kropka nad i” about the letter Jaroslaw Kaczynski from 2019 to Zbigniew Ziobroin which the president PIS he asked for “an immediate ban on Solidarna Polska candidates from using the Justice Fund during the election campaign”. The content of the correspondence was quoted by “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Kaczyński warned that cases of irregularities “may bring disastrous consequences from the point of view of the course of the campaign”.

Read here: Kaczyński wrote to Ziobro about the Justice Fund. He warned of “dire consequences”

According to Sroka, “this is proof that Jarosław Kaczyński was fully aware that the irregularities that occurred in the spending of the Justice Fund had already begun before the 2019 elections.”

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– Because PiS politicians themselves indicated that this competition in the election campaign led by politicians of Solidarna Polska (currently Sovereign Poland – editorial note) is simply unfair. They have resources that significantly exceed the capabilities of PiS candidates. Hence the outrage, hence Jarosław Kaczyński's appeal to Minister Ziobro – she assessed.

Kaczyński's letter to Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund. Sroka: this is proof that Kaczyński was fully awareTVN24

Wójcik: there were hundreds, if not thousands, of such letters

Wójcik assessed that “there's been a sensation around this letter all day today”. – However, I don't see anything extraordinary in it. There were, if not hundreds, then thousands of such letters – he said.

Asked by the host Monika Olejnik whether Jarosław Kaczyński wrote thousands of letters to Sovereign Poland, the TVN24 guest admitted that “yes, of course”.

– If a matter appeared in the media, or sometimes, you know, when familiarizing himself with the correspondence, Jarosław Kaczyński considered it justified to write a letter, among others to the head of the Ministry of Justice, as the head of the party, then he wrote such letters – continued Wójcik. – There were such letters (which – ed.) concerned my activities, for example, various matters – he added.

Kaczyński's letter to Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund. Wójcik: there were hundreds, if not thousands, of such letters

Kaczyński's letter to Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund. Wójcik: there were hundreds, if not thousands, of such letters

Kaczyński “should file a report of a possible crime”

– What should Jarosław Kaczyński do if he had (…) suspicions of a crime and irregularities in spending? He should file a report of a possible crime – Sroka emphasized.

– Why didn't he do it? Because the Prosecutor General, Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, would of course have discontinued the proceedings, just as he has repeatedly discontinued the notifications that were submitted – she assessed.

Wójcik expressed the opinion that such a letter from the PiS president “only proves the transparency of the relations that existed between the coalition partners.”

When asked what Zbigniew Ziobro replied to the correspondence and whether he replied that his party was ceasing to finance its campaign from FS, Wójcik replied: – I don't understand at all what you are getting at.

– No one has ever violated any rules as far as the Justice Fund is concerned – added the former deputy minister of justice.

Main image source: TVN24

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