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Lunch with the head of the Ministry of National Defense and a special invitation to the Polish Army Day. Military auctions at WOŚP

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Lunch in the soldiers’ canteen with the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and a special invitation to the Polish Army Day celebrations were among the auctions at the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, the Ministry of National Defense announced on Wednesday. Soldiers’ participation in the Orchestra’s finals throughout Poland was also announced.

At the end of December, Kosiniak-Kamysz announced that in 2024 the Polish Army “will play with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity again.” He also encouraged all military units to join the action.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of National Defense announced in a statement that as part of the auction for the Orchestra, an invitation to lunch with the head of the Ministry of National Defense in the soldiers’ canteen was issued, as well as a special, personal invitation to the celebration of the Polish Army Day on August 15. “We encourage you to bid and join the action with us. It’s really worth it!” – we read in the statement of the Ministry of National Defense.

Head of the Ministry of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-KamyszPaweł Supernak/PAP/EPA

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The Polish Army will play with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

In addition, other auctions organized by the army were recalled. “The army auctions the most interesting things and those that are harder to obtain on a daily basis. There are not only unique items, such as coins and commanders’ gorgets, or military insignia and badges, but also attractive adventures,” it was said.

“Thanks to such vouchers, bidders will be able to win, among others, parachute jumps, going to sea on a ship, training under the supervision of special forces soldiers, a flight in a military plane, a tank ride, training on a modern simulator, military diving, training with military Olympians, a day in a military stud farm, a unique trip around Warsaw and much, much more,” we read.

During the WOŚP finale, a “military zone” is to be organized in the parking lot next to the grounds of the Warsaw National Stadium. “Everyone will be able to talk to the soldiers, see some military equipment and eat military pea soup. Moreover, the soldiers will be present in a special medical tent. They will teach the basics of medical assistance there, but will also present what it looks like in field conditions,” says the Ministry of National Defense.

The police and army are playing with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity againFakty TVN (archive photo)

SEE ALSO: WOŚP 2024. Prof. Henryk Mazurek: we must maintain healthy breathing throughout our lives

Soldiers get involved in WOŚP activities

Soldiers will also be present at local WOŚP finals in dozens of places throughout the country. “There will be concerts of military bands, demonstrations of military equipment, military runs and competitions, soldiers will also teach medical aid and be invited to military pea soup,” it was emphasized.

“The choice of cities and locations is wide. In Gdynia – the Naval Academy will organize a sports and recreational day, in Dęblin at the Military Aviation Academy and in Warsaw at the Military Medical Academy there will be charity concerts of military bands. The Polish Army Museum in Warsaw and the Naval Museum invite you to military and historical picnics. Military units join local WOŚP zones in dozens of places in Poland – we will be in, among others, Opole, Poznań, Łomża, Nowy Dwór Maz., Koszalin, Olsztyn, Elbląg, Mińsk Maz., Gołdap, Będzin, Suwałki and many others,” announces the Ministry of National Defense.

As noted, soldiers serving on foreign missions will also be involved in the actions. “Almost wherever there are Polish soldiers, there will be accents related to the orchestra. We will play, among others, in Latvia, Kosovo, Iraq, Romania, Turkey and Estonia,” we read.

Lungs after the pandemic

The theme of the 32nd finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, scheduled for January 28, will be “Lungs after the pandemic”. The money collected will be used to purchase medical equipment for 15 pulmonology departments for children and 49 pulmonology departments for adults.

The Foundation plans to purchase, among others: devices for diagnostic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound devices, polysomnographs, portable spirometers, bronchoscopic examination systems, equipment for pulmonary rehabilitation and thoracic surgery.

Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

The WOŚP Foundation was founded nearly 30 years ago by Jurek Owsiak. Since then, it has been organizing a fundraiser regularly once a year – in January.

The Foundation conducts activities in the field of protection, among others: to save the lives of sick people, especially children, improve their health, as well as health promotion and prevention. The goals are achieved, among others: through purchases of equipment for hospitals, medical and educational programs.

Main photo source: Paweł Supernak/PAP/EPA

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