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Mark Rutte at NATO. Harsh comments from PiS politicians. “Worst Choice”

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On Tuesday, the still unofficial information from the Dutch media circulated around the world that Prime Minister Mark Rutte has been selected to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary General NATO.

He was to withdraw his opposition to the Dutchman Budapest and Bratislavaand he will remain the only opponent of his candidacy Bucharestwho promotes for this position president Romania Klaus Iohannis. We asked Mark Rutte about the very likely choice Polish politicians and expert with experience in international affairs. There are opinions divided.

Mark Rutte, head of NATO? Witold Waszczykowski criticizes

Witold Waszczykowski – former head of diplomacy in the PiS government and MEP of this party in the expiring term of the European Parliament – does not hide his bitterness because of the possible taking over of the position of NATO head by a Dutchman. – This is the worst choice – he says in an interview with Interia.

– Mark Rutte is there appeasement icon (policy of concessions – ed.) towards Russia. This is one of the politicians responsible for fattening Russia before the war. He was a great supporter Nord Streamwhich is immortalized in the famous photo from Angela Merkel and Dmitry Medvedevwhen they open the gas pipeline valve together – reminds Waszczykowski.

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The right-wing politician also claims that European politics premiere Netherlandswho is in power in his country continuously since 2010, was based on the leadership of the so-called “a group of misers” and striving for federalization European Unionwhich – in the opinion of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs – stands in contradiction with the Polish reason of state.

– This position suits him you shouldn't, because he will take care of the interests of Western Europe and Russia's return to the financial markets, a this will come at a cost Polish and NATO's eastern flank – he says.

FOR THIS. Paweł Jabłoński about Rutte's candidacy

He comments on the matter in a slightly more delicate, but equally skeptical way Paweł Jabłoński – deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the PiS government, and currently an MP. – Since the Russian invasion of… Ukraine Rutte, as head of government, was one of the more rational leadershowever, has unfortunately a disgraceful record of dealings with the Russians – he said and mentioned the Prime Minister's attitude towards Nord Stream, as well as reports about the continuation of gas negotiations with Moscowmimo the crash of flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014.

– Mark Rutte is a politician mainstream and European mainstream. This means that if the main EU countries decide it's time to new reset with Russia, then he will probably agree to it. This is very riskybecause it is being talked about more and more often in the European debate – says Interia's interlocutor.

Jabłoński also believed that “it would be much better if A politician from Central Europe became head of NATO.. – Even Ursula von der Leyen admitted that Poland's warnings regarding Russia should have been listened to, reminds the PiS MP. As he adds, countries from our region “they experience the threat from Russia directly and understand this threat better.”

However, the former deputy head of diplomacy emphasizes that does not assume that NATO is under the leadership of Mark Rutte “will suddenly become toothless”. – However, due to his political achievements to date, there are certain risks, which I will discuss you have to remember and say – he points out.

Bronisław Komorowski: There is nothing to be afraid of

Former president and former minister of national defense Bronisław Komorowski has a completely different opinion. – There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of – the former head of state reassures.

In the opinion of our interlocutor, there is a turnover of leadership at the summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will not involve a significant paradigm shift the entire Alliance, especially in relation to Russian-Ukrainian conflict i security of the eastern flank.

Bronislaw Komorowski also reminds that until now the rule for appointing the head of NATO was approval of all members of the Pactbut especially United States as the largest shareholder. – Another interesting rule was that Americans generally wanted them to be secretaries general representatives of not the largest member statesbut rather the smaller ones, though credible from the perspective of fulfilling allied obligations – he points out.

– I think that this time, this decision is the result of both the acceptance of the USA – which hopes that Mark Rutte will work well with Washington – as well as maintaining the rule regarding the election of the secretary smaller countries, but “braver” ones – says the former president and reminds that in recent years this function was held by a Norwegian and a Dane.

– These have always been countries that were characterized by – greater than average – attention to the level of one's own defense capabilities – explain.

Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska about Marek Rutte

He also shares Bronisław Komorowski's perception Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of the Center for International Relations. In her opinion, Mark Rutte should be appointed as NATO Secretary General “it's a very good choice.”

– To a very professional politicianhas a lot a distinctive approach to security and war in Ukraine – can balance between different sides, including: because he headed many Dutch coalition governments. This decision for sure will stabilize the Alliance, because it was impossible to go any further extend the mandate Jens Stoltenberg – translator.

However, the expert – like Paweł Jabłoński – points out that a certain disadvantage from the Polish perspective is the fact that Rutte is not from the eastern flank. – At last Jens Stoltenberg he's Norwegian, and Scandinavia is definitely closer to our situation. The Netherlands is a bit further away, so this may change the perception a bitbut most likely NATO policy will be continued – he states.

– The Netherlands as a rule – and especially during the term of office of Mark Rutte, who is remembered as one of the representatives of the so-called “groups of misers” – is a cautious country in financial matters. This may mean that Rutte will be the head of NATO he strictly enforced compliance with the minimum limit of 2%. GDP, allocated for defense by member states, which was agreed at the summit in Vilnius, he points out.

At the same time, it reminds us that since the outbreak of the war The Netherlands was among the leading countries sending equipment to Ukraine.

The Netherlands in NATO. Mark Rutte the new secretary?

Choice successor to Jens Stoltenberg he is expected to be the NATO Secretary General during the Alliance summit in Washington, which will be held on July 9-11.

The Netherlands is one of the founding countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. From the beginning of the formula, that is since 1949NATO has so far been the leader three representatives of this country – Dirk Sticks (1961-1964), Joseph Luns (1971-1984) and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (2004-2009). Mark Rutte he would therefore be the fourth of them.

Want to talk to the author? Write to sebastian.przybyl@firma.interia.pl

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Żukowska on RMF FM about Janusz Kowalski: Kaczyński will take him in/RMF24.pl/RMF

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