Agnieszka Łyczakowska gained recognition thanks to the fourth edition of the program “Marriage at First Sight”. Experts paired her with Wojciech Janik. In their case, the love experiment turned out to be a success and the lovers are still together today. Despite the happy ending, the participant has some reservations about the format.
“Marriage at First Sight”. Agnieszka talks honestly about the format. “This is a very big minus”
Agnieszka recently gave an interview to the website During the conversation, there was also the topic of the “Marriage at First Sight” program. Participant drew attention to the problem of hatewhich falls on people who decide to take part in the experiment. In her opinion, the production downplays this issue. – This is a very big minus that they don't talk about it. (…) People who want to participate in this program should be very prepared for this, because not everyone is able to cope with this hate and many people ended up in therapy after the program. (…) This is a topic they sweep under the rug – said Agnieszka during an interview with Wojciech's wife also revealed what she thought about the participants of the new edition of the format. – In previous editions, women cared more about this relationship and they tried harder, but in this current edition, men seem to care more. At least that's the perception, she said in the interview.
“Marriage at First Sight”. Agnieszka is honest about her marriage. “Long conversations, compromises”
Some time ago, Agnieszka published a post on social media in which she described what helped her create a successful relationship after the TV program. “Conversations, conversations and conversations. If it weren't for them, I don't know if we would be sitting together in this chair today. It's hard to leave your 30-year-old life and go to a foreign city, to a strange “husband” and start everything from the beginning. Long conversationscompromises and mutual understanding in difficult situations put us where we are today. I can only be grateful for what happened to me, and consider all the obstacles under my feet as a life lesson,” wrote Agnieszka. SEE ALSO: “Marriage at First Sight”. Wojtek's moving confession. “For me it's more”