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Monday, July 8, 2024

MEN. Katarzyna Lubnauer on Radio ZET about family trips – holidays during the school year

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Deputy Minister of Education Katarzyna Lubnauer was asked in a Thursday interview with Radio ZET about family trips during the school year and parents' compliance with school obligations in this context. – In many countries we have a situation where if a parent would like to go on vacation with their child during the school year, they can even stop them at the airport – said the politician.

While appearing on the “Gość Radia ZET” program, Katarzyna Lubnauer admitted that representatives of her ministry “very often” hear the voices of teachers and school principals about “parents treating school as a place where a child can go or not go.” In her opinion, the observed “freedom of choice on the part of parents as to how many days a child spends at school” has increased after the pandemic. COVID-19.

Asked by the host of the program, Beata Lubecka, to assess the situation when students are taken by their parents on vacation during the school year, the deputy head of the Ministry of National Education stated that “everyone realizes that it is detrimental to a child if they do not go to school for two weeks.” The politician emphasized that such situations should not occur.

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Katarzyna Lubnauer on compulsory schooling and holidays during the school year

Referring to the actions that Ministry of Education and Science takes on this issue, Lubnauer stated that for now the ministry is “looking at what solutions to adopt so that parents understand that compulsory schooling means compulsory schooling”. – In many countries we have a situation where if a parent would like to go on vacation with a child during the school year, they can even stop them at the airport – added the KO MP.

According to art. 35 of the Education Law of 14 December 2016, a child's school obligation begins in Poland at “the beginning of the school year in the calendar year in which the child turns 7 and lasts until the completion of primary school, but no longer than until the age of 18”. In the event of ignoring the school obligation, understood as the child's unjustified absence from at least 50% of classes per month, parents must expect to receive a written warning, and if this does not work – a financial penalty.

SEE ALSO: The Ministry of National Education has announced a new reading list

Main image source: tvn24

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