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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Migrants. After the inspection, the passengers were taken to a guarded center and the driver was taken into custody

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In Serbia, they got into a truck trailer and that's how they reached Poland. From here they tried to get to Germany. The car in which five Indian citizens were traveling was stopped by border guards and policemen. All passengers were taken to a guarded center. The driver, a Pole, also has problems. He will be responsible not only for helping you cross borders, but also for driving despite a driving ban but under the influence of drugs.

– On the provincial road number 694 in the town of Sumiężne, police officers from Ostrów Mazowiecka and border guards stopped a car with six men traveling in it, including five foreigners without documents, pretending to be Indian citizens. The driver was a 58-year-old Pole who, during inspection activities, intentionally misled the officers by providing his brother's personal data because – as he explained – he was banned from driving after being convicted by a final judgment of driving under the influence of drugs – reports in the statement of captain Dagmara Bielec, press officer of the commander of the NadwiÅ›laÅ„ski Border Guard Unit.

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Charges for passengers and return order

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Indian citizens were charged with crossing the border of the Republic of Poland, contrary to the regulations, in cooperation with other persons, without having valid travel documents or other documents authorizing them to cross the border. They all pleaded guilty to the charges.

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One of the foreigners applied for international protection in Cyprus, so he will return there. The rest must return to India. Penalty tickets were also imposed on the men.

Based on the request of the commandant of the Border Guard station in Warsaw Modlin, the District Court in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki issued a decision to place Indian citizens in a guarded center for foreigners for a period of three months.

Problems of a Polish driver

In turn, a Pole transporting five foreigners was detained on reasonable suspicion of committing the crime of providing assistance in crossing the state border contrary to the regulations.

Art. 18. § 3. Whoever, with the intention for another person to commit a prohibited act, facilitates its commission by his conduct, in particular by providing a tool, means of transport, giving advice or information, is liable for aiding and abetting; A person who, contrary to the legal and specific obligation to prevent the commission of a prohibited act, facilitates another person to commit it by his omission is also liable for aiding and abetting. Art. 264. § 2. Whoever crosses the border of the Republic of Poland contrary to the regulations, using violence, threats, deceit or in cooperation with other persons, shall be subject to the penalty of imprisonment for up to 3 years.

That's not all, it turned out that the test for the presence of narcotics in the man's body gave a positive result in the case of amphetamine. He was taken into custody.

Main photo source: border guards

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