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Monday, July 8, 2024

Morawiecki pressured Meloni? Politicians' comments

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– This is an unprecedented situation – said Krzysztof Śmiszek (Left) in “Fakty po Faktach”, commenting on reports of pressure exerted by Mateusz Morawiecki on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. – Prime Minister Morawiecki's actions are anti-state actions, which is embarrassing for the former prime minister – stated Michał Kobosko (Polska 2050).

According to “Gazeta Wyborcza”, the former prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki he pressured Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to refuse to receive the new Polish ambassador in Rome, Ryszard Schnepf. In Thursday's “Kropka nad i”, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski confirmed that, to his knowledge, the “GW” reports are true.

Read more: Morawiecki pressured Meloni? Sikorski: I checked this rumor and unfortunately it is confirmed

The matter was commented on by the guests of “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24 – Krzysztof Śmiszek (Left) and Michał Kobosko (Poland 2050).

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Śmiszek: he learned a painful lesson from his friend

According to Krzysztof Śmiszek, “this is an unprecedented situation”. – From such a pro-state perspective, nothing makes sense here, because there is a government, a new government for seven months, which conducts domestic and foreign policy, appoints or proposes its ambassadors and such pouring sand into the gears of the new government is in fact shooting the entire country in the foot – he said.

– How else can you call this type of action other than acting to the detriment of the state's interest, to the detriment of the national interest, undermining the position of the new ambassador or candidate for ambassador. This is also making a fool of Mr. Morawiecki – he added. – He got a very painful lesson from his friend, because he probably thinks that she is his political friend. He did not meet with Meloni, or with (Marine – ed.) Le Pen, or with the Spanish Vox (right-wing political party – ed.) for months, he established all these supposedly good relations, and it turned out that when tough politics come, there is no friendship – he continued.

– Prime Minister Meloni says: well, we have a prime minister in Poland, we have a minister of foreign affairs, Poland has its own foreign policy. It will not talk to some peripheral people who have no influence on the actions of the state – he added.

Kobosko: anti-state action

– This type of action by Prime Minister Morawiecki is an anti-state action, which is embarrassing for the former Prime Minister, for the former Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland – commented Michał Kobosko. He added that the alleged pressures “of course have some” impact on Poland's international position.

– This is of course an action from which nothing can result, because Prime Minister Morawiecki is only and as much as a former prime minister today. Not justifying his actions in any way, because he can take various actions, but he has no power today – he said.

Krzysztof Śmiszek and Michał Kobosko TVN24

Kobosko assessed that “what is most disturbing in this case and many others are the president's actions.” – President Andrzej Duda de facto blocks changes in Polish diplomatic missions around the world. This is not only a bizarre thing, but it is a scandalous thing – he added.

– There is a new government that conducts foreign policy. The government has the right to ensure that, especially in the most important capitals of the world, including Rome, there are people there who are recommended by this government, who enjoy trust, and it is known that they will be loyal to this government – he said.

Main image source: TVN24

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