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Movement of Paulina Matysiak and Marcin Horała. MP of the Left about her new initiative

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The differences between me and Marcin Horała still exist and will certainly not be eliminated, but let's focus on what unites us – said in “#BezKitu” on TVN24, MP of the Razem party Paulina Matysiak, who founded the “Tak dla Rozwoju” association with the PiS MP. Alicja Łepkowska-Gołaś from the Civic Coalition said that she “absolutely would not join” this movement, and this cooperation with PiS representatives is surprising to her.

MP of the Razem party (Left Club) Paulina Matysiak i PiS MP Marcin Horała announced on Thursday the initiation of the social movement “Yes to development”, which is to focus on supporting the development of investments in CPK, nuclear power plants and Polish army. One of its founders is also PiS MP Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk, who will serve as vice-president.

In response to the MP's decision, the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Vladimir the Black informed journalists that the Left club's presidium – at the request of chairwoman Anna Maria Żukowska – suspended Matysiak's rights as a club member for three months.

READ: Razem MP initiates joint movement with PiS MP. There is a reaction from the Left club

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Matysiak: I am considering the possibility of appealing against the decision of the club's presidium

Matysiak spoke more about the new movement initiated together with a PiS MP and her situation in the Left Club on Friday in the “#BezKitu” program on TVN24.

When asked whether she intended to apply for “suspension” of club member rights, she replied that she was “considering such a possibility.” – Pursuant to the regulations, I can submit a request for an appeal. I have 14 days to do so. There is still time for this. I was suspended yesterday, she added.

There was also a question whether it is currently closer to the government or the opposition. – I really don't like the idea of ​​being either in the opposition or on the government's side. So far, over the last seven months, the Left club has operated in such a way that some of the club sat on government benches, and some did not, and we somehow managed to cope with it. However, for me the key thing is how we approach specific projects, specific solutions, and how we discuss them – continued Matysiak.

Matysiak: discrepancies between me and Horała still exist

Host Radomir Wit recalled that a few years ago, Matysiak even appeared at a press conference, where, together with other representatives of her party, she demanded the resignation of Horała, who was then deputy minister. The MP replied that, in her opinion, such an approach should not be used, that if someone has been criticized before, no form of cooperation with such a person is allowed.

– Besides, these differences between me and Marcin Horała still exist and will certainly not be eliminated, because we simply have different views on many issues. We are in different groups. But if we find a point of contact where we agree, where we want to work, (…), why not sit here and just start doing things together? – she said.

– Let's focus on what unites us. And in this case, in the case of this project, in the case of this association, we are united by infrastructure projects, the development of Poland, the security of Poland. And this is what the established association is about – she added. She said that the association has already received over two thousand applications to join it.

Łepkowska-Gołaś: this cooperation is surprising, sometimes even outrageous

MP Matysiak's interlocutor was Alicja Łepkowska-Gołaś from the Civic Coalition club. She said that she “absolutely would not join” MP Matysiak's new movement. – Because I differ so much in worldview from Mr. Horała or Mr. vel Sęk that I can't imagine it. I myself come from non-governmental organizations, i.e. from grassroots initiatives of social movements. And I can't imagine cooperation with someone with whom I am diametrically different in aspects that are important to me – she said.

– Especially since Mr. Horała was responsible for embezzling money related to CPK. He spent almost three billion zlotys on construction, where not a single shovel was driven in. In Baranów, the meadow is doing very well – continued the representative of the KO club.

In her opinion, the “points of contact” that Matysiak spoke about can be found primarily in the ruling coalition. – There are a lot of people for whom this development is very important. And that is why I am surprised, Mrs. MP, that you are in such cooperation. For me it is surprising, and sometimes even outrageous, said Łepkowska-Gołości.

Łepkowska-Gołaś: this cooperation is surprising, sometimes even outrageousTVN24

The reaction of the Razem party

The Razem party announced in a statement that “establishing an association with Mr. Horała is a private initiative of Paulina Matysiak, undertaken against the will of the Razem authorities.” “In connection with the action, which we consider harmful to the party, the party board is submitting a motion to the party's court of peers to initiate disciplinary proceedings,” the party announced.

READ ALSO: “There is no possibility of cooperation between the Left and PiS. There is not and there will be no”

Main photo source: TVN24

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