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New CPK and Chopin airport. “A range of threats and challenges”

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The negative surprise is the retention of Chopin Airport. This is a wasted opportunity for a transport revolution in Warsaw – this is how Dominik Sipiński, a transport and infrastructure analyst from Polityka Insight, assessed the government's plans for the new airport in Baranów on TVN24 BiS. – There may be security reasons to leave this infrastructure – commented Dominik Boniecki, an aviation market analyst.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk During Wednesday's press conference, he said that the Central Communication Port project will be continued, but in a “more realistic” formula. – Poland will become one large megalopolis, which means that all large cities in Poland will be involved in this modern communication project – assured the head of government.

It is to be built central airport in Baranów near Warsaw, railway lines connecting the largest cities, as well as the “Y” high-speed railway line from Warsaw, through Łódź to Wrocław and Poznań. The new airport is scheduled to open in 2032.

The estimated cost of building the national airport in Baranów together with accompanying investments, i.e. including the port in the public roads and the construction of high-speed railways, is PLN 131 billion by 2032 – said Maciej Lasek, the government representative for CPK. He added that PLN 80 billion is the cost of building the “Y” line, which is to be completed by the mid-2030s.

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The decision regarding Chopin airport is a “negative surprise”

Dominik Sipiński, transport and infrastructure analyst from Polityka Insight, asked on TVN24 BiS to assess the government's decision regarding the CPK, admitted that it was long-awaited.

– This is not a revolution, but an evolution. For me a negative surprise is leaving Chopin airport, which is a wasted opportunity for a transport revolution in Warsaw and Masovia – said the expert.

Aviation market analyst Dominik Boniecki said on TVN24 BiS that the separation of railway and aviation investment programs deserves great praise. – I also liked seeing the potential in regional ports. I also like the plan to expand the ports of Chopin and Modlin, he added.

– What still raises concerns is the possibility of achieving by PLL LOT declared fleet size of 135 aircraft in 2032. This aspect related to LOT will be difficult to achieve. It's a range of threats and challenges. I do not see any mistakes in LOT's management, but I pay attention to external threats, for example various crises – explained Boniecki.

What's next for Chopin Airport?

According to Sipiński the risk that the investment in the airport in Baranów will turn out to be unsuccessful is almost zero. – Even without an increase in air traffic, a new airport would make sense. A greater risk may be that the airport will be too large or not adapted to the realities, he said.

When asked on TVN24 BiS about the future of Chopin Airport, he admitted that there is a lot of talk about future aviation, air taxis and drones, but “these are not commercial projects and will not become such soon.”

– From a business point of view, it seems quite an ambitious assumption that Chopin Airport would serve such flights. The problem is that there is a lack of political agreement that urban and environmental factors are more important than building an infrastructure project. The former Chopin airport area offers such opportunities, but it takes courage to say that there will be no airport and that these areas can be used better. It all comes down to political will, he said.

Boniecki admitted, however, that the decision to leave the Chopin airport could have been dictated by other reasons. – There may be security reasons to leave the infrastructure. Prime Minister Tusk talked about impersonal drones, but we have to wait a few years for this. I see the possibility of introducing hydrogen-powered ships. Chopin Airport will be perfect for this. This would be great for everyone, for passengers and residents of Warsaw and Mazovia – he concluded.

Tusk on the future of Chopin Airport

Prime Minister Donald Tusk indicated on Wednesday that the government wants the Okęcie airport to function as “the communication of the future”.

– At the time when Baranów should be launching its first planes, which is – as we assume – 2032, the future of Okęcie, Chopin Airport, will also be decided. Assuming that we will have 34 million passengers in Baranów, the function of the Warsaw airport will definitely change. Our plan – this is a very ambitious intention, but realistic, we have been working on it for many weeks – is to provide Okęcie with the communication function of the future – he said.

– Okęcie will be a modern airport that will operate on principles that are currently being developed. Air transport, especially civilian and passenger transport, is facing a real revolution. There are already the first places in the world where, among other things, unmanned drones serve various routes and there is no doubt that in a few years this revolution will also take place in Europe – he added.

– Okęcie Airport is an ideal place to act as a center of the most modern air transport in the 21st century. Therefore, the Okęcie airport will be urgently modernized, Tusk said.

Main image source: Shutterstock

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