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Peace conference in Switzerland regarding Ukraine. Known content of the draft final document

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Reuters published the draft final document of the peace summit on Ukraine in Switzerland. It follows that for the gathered heads of state and government, the key issue is securing nuclear installations, including the Zaporozhian power plant under Ukrainian control. It is also necessary – as indicated by international arrangements – to ensure uninterrupted food supplies and to release prisoners of war and Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russian authorities.

Two-day conference co-organized by Switzerland and Ukraine at the Buergenstock center started on Saturday afternoon. It was attended by representatives of almost a hundred countries and international organizations, including approximately 60 heads of state and government, including: President Andrzej DudaPresident of Ukraine Volodymyr ZelenskyPresident France Emmanuel Macron or chancellor German Olaf Scholzas well as leaders of Latin American countries – such as the president Argentina Javier Milei i Chile Gabriel Boric, as well as leaders of African countries and the Arab world. Russia and China are not participating in the summit. After preliminary meetings on Saturday, politicians gathered in Switzerland are scheduled to take part on Sunday in three panels devoted to humanitarian issues in Ukraine, food security and nuclear safety. Already last night, Reuters published the draft conclusions of the summit, which included, among others: positions regarding these three areas.

Volodymyr Zelensky during the peace summit in Switzerland PAP/EPA

The issue of nuclear safety

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“We had a fruitful, comprehensive and constructive exchange of views on the paths to a full, just and lasting peace, based on international law, including the Charter of the United Nations. In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means as a principle of international law” – this is the content of the draft final document quoted by Reuters .

Read also: G7 leaders: we will support Ukraine as long as necessary

It places particular emphasis on the issue of nuclear safety: “Any use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations must be safe, secure and environmentally friendly. Ukrainian nuclear power plants and installations, including the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, must operate safely and reliably under full sovereign control Ukraine, in accordance with IAEA rules and under its supervision,” it said.

The need to unblock sea transit

The statement further emphasized that any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is “unacceptable.” “Secondly, global food security depends on the uninterrupted production and supply of food products,” the leaders gathered in Switzerland agreed in a document quoted by Reuters. According to Reuters, the document notes that “free, complete and safe commercial navigation, as well as access to seaports in the Black and Azov Seas, are therefore of key importance.”

“Attacks on merchant ships in ports and along the entire route, as well as on civilian ports and civilian port infrastructure, are unacceptable. Food security cannot be threatened in any way. Ukrainian agricultural products should be safely and freely supplied to interested third countries,” it said. in the draft final document.

Kidnapped children and prisoners of war

The third issue covered by the document is the issue of prisoners of war and Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russians. “All prisoners of war must be released through a complete exchange. All deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children and all other Ukrainian civilians who have been unlawfully detained must be returned to Ukraine,” the draft statement called. “We believe that achieving peace requires commitment and dialogue between all parties. We have therefore decided to take concrete steps in the future in the above-mentioned areas, with the continued involvement of representatives of all parties. The Charter of the United Nations, including the principles of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, can and will serve as the basis for achieving comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine,” agreed the leaders gathered at the Buergenstock summit.

Main photo source: KEYSTONE EDA POOL

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