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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Poland violated EU law. It did not provide an updated energy and climate plan

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Poland has not submitted an updated energy and climate plan to Brussels. However, she is not alone in this. Twenty-two other European Union member states have also failed to do so, the European Commission said. Only four managed to do so.

The deadline for sending to Brussels passed on Sunday updated energy and climate plan – she informed European Commission. As reported by the EC on Monday, only four countries submitted their final versions of the documents on time: Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Lack of a Polish energy and climate plan

IN energy and climate plans Member States indicate how they want to implement the Union's climate goals. Countries submitted such documents setting out their policies for the current decade in 2019. However, due to the European Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” package raising the greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 (by 55% compared to 1990), countries had to carry out updating your commitments.

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Consequences of failing to submit an up-to-date energy and climate plan

EC spokesman Tim McPhie announced that the issue of failure to meet the deadlines by most member states will be raised at the meetings of energy and climate ministers scheduled in July.

– We reserve the right to take other legal procedures if necessary and appropriate – he stressed. It is possible to initiate procedures for infringement of EU law, which may end with a lawsuit to the Court of Justice of the EU.

The EC has launched such proceedings against Poland and Bulgaria and Austria in December 2023 At that time, the issue was the failure to meet the deadline for submitting a draft of an updated plan. The government made up for the arrears by submitting the draft plan to the EC in March this year. The EC decided to close the procedure for Poland and Bulgaria a month later; it is still being conducted for Austria.

In its assessment of the draft Polish plan from April this year, the EC asked the Polish authorities to raise decarbonization goals for 2030.

The preliminary version of the Polish document from February 29 this year. assumes an increase in ambition in energy and climate policy, but – as the Ministry of Climate stipulated – it does not take into account the latest changes from the “Fit for 55” package.

Main image source: TVN24

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