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Polls predict a crushing defeat after 14 years in power. “People are fed up with lies and incompetence”

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On Thursday, the UK will hold a general election. Polls indicate that the Tories, who have been in power for 14 years, will hand power to the Labour Party. Experts predict that it will be a spectacular defeat for Rishi Sunak's party.

Rishi Sunak has nothing left to lose, so the man who had been stabbed in the back by the outgoing prime minister was called onto the stage in the final stretch of the election campaign. The enthusiasm of the audience must have surprised even the people who came up with the idea, and Prime Minister Sunak had to invoke the fame of his former boss. “Boris is right that it is time for all the Conservatives to unite to take back the Labour Party's super majority,” said the British prime minister.

The supermajority mentioned by the prime minister is predicted by polls, according to which the Labour Party will be able to count on 484 seats. Experts call it the biggest defeat of a ruling party in the history of the country.

“If you want to see how badly the Conservatives did, you have to go back to 1832, just after the Napoleonic wars. They had 30 percent support then, now they have about 20 percent,” says Robert Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester.

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After 14 years of Tory rule, the opposition promises the British people change. The Labour MP for the London borough of Hammersmith, often called the Polish borough, claims that voters are primarily tired of high prices and queues for doctors. “People are fed up with the lies and incompetence of this government. Boris Johnson is a good example of that. Voters complain about politicians, but they know that it is the politicians who have to get the country out of trouble,” says Andy Slaughter, the Labour Party candidate.

UK election and migration crisis: Tories focus on Rwanda, Labour on new leadershipJakub Loska/Facts about the World TVN24 BiS

Mutual accusations

The Labour Party's campaign slogan is “change”. “Unlike the increasingly desperate, negative Tory campaign, we offer a programme. This campaign is about turning over a new leaf and rebuilding our country,” says Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party.

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Mutual attacks have dominated the short election campaign, in which the Tories made a lot of mistakes and Labour avoided uncomfortable topics. The Labour leader only mentioned Brexit and the European Union when he denied Rishi Sunak's accusations that he wanted to return to the EU. Keir Starmer has promised that is not an option, but he intends to negotiate a better cooperation agreement with Brussels. The only thing that unites the candidates of the major parties is security.

– Foreign policy and security were not high-profile campaign issues, because on these issues there is complete agreement between the Labour and Conservative parties. Especially on the issue of total support for Ukraine and NATO, and increasing defense spending – points out Dr. Karl Pike, political scientist at Queen Mary University.

Only Nigel Farage stands out from everyone on this issue. The leader of the new, nationalist Reform UK group argues that Russia's attack on Ukraine was a result of the expansion of the European Union and NATO to the east. His group can count on a few seats in the House of Commons at most.

Main image source: EPA/ANDY RAIN

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