He broke into a synagogue and stole a set of cutlery worth a thousand złoty. A moment later he was in the hands of the police. He faces up to 10 years in prison.
The police officer on duty received a report of a break-in at the synagogue. The police officers on the intervention patrol, after talking to the reporting party, established a description of the man who broke into the building.
At the sight of the police car he started to run away.
– The search did not last long. On one of the streets they noticed a man who matched the description given, and at the sight of the police car he started to run away. After a while he was detained. He was taken to a police cell, and the stolen items were returned to the synagogue – reports Senior Constable Ewelina Siwonia from the police in Przysucha.
The fate of the man will be decided by the court; for burglary, the penalty is up to 10 years in prison.
The Synagogue in Przysucha It was built in the 18th century in the Jewish part of the town. It was devastated by the Germans during World War II. Since 2007, the building has been owned by the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage.
Their arrest was a matter of honor.KRP Warsaw VII
Main image source: Krzysztof Chojnacki/East News