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Storms in Poland. Where will there be thunder today?

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The weather in Poland has been resembling summer for several days – it is warm and muggy, but stormy. As the presenter of tvnmeteo.pl, Tomasz Wasilewski, explained on TVN24, this is related to the inflow of warm, moist air from the Mediterranean Sea into our parts of the continent. The current barometric situation in Europe does not make life easier for forecasters.

An interesting, but thankless for forecasters, weather situation persists over Europe. The continent is under the influence of hot summer air, which brings us typical summer weather – high values ​​​​on thermometers, but also risk of storms.

– It is a blurry area without a gradient, i.e. without large pressure differences, several thousand kilometers with an air mass that is very warm, humid and in which storm clouds are formed randomly, in spots – explained the presenter of tvnmeteo.pl, Tomasz, in the “Wstańsz i weekend” program. Wasilewski. – The formation of such stormy weather, storm clouds or a whole line of storms is very likely.

Where clouds may ultimately appear is influenced not only by air masses, but also by a number of local factors. The presence of ponds, more moisture from recent rainfall, local evaporation – all of these variables can contribute to creating storm conditions in a given location.

“A Mix in the Weather”

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Unstable weather is related to various air masses under the influence of which Poland is currently located. At an altitude of several kilometers above our heads, moist air from the Mediterranean Sea reaches us. At the same time, dry air flows in from the east at lower altitudes.

– There is such a mixture in the weather, such heterogeneity of this inflow – explained Wasilewski. – Now we have such a spread, i.e. the air is dry near the ground, but high up, where clouds form, it is sufficiently humid.

The trajectory of air particles over Polandtvnmeteo.pl/wetter3.de

For many days, there has been a vast high pressure in the eastern part of the continent, while low pressure centers dominate over western Europe. As a result of this circulation, warm, moist air from the Mediterranean Sea is drawn into our regions, reaching even far north – on Friday, thermometers in southern Finland showed 27 degrees Celsius, and in Poland it approached 29 degrees Celsius.

– Storm clouds can form anywhere in this humid air – explained Wasilewski, pointing to the map. – The weather is a component of many things and is often determined by chance. We can say about such weather that it will be hot and stormy, but it is much more difficult to precisely determine where the storm cloud will form – added the presenter.

The emergency situation in Europetvnmeteo.pl

Main photo source: Akarawut/AdobeStock

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