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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Swearing-in of Donald Tusk’s government, European Union-Western Balkans summit

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Today at 9 a.m. the swearing-in of Donald Tusk’s government will take place at the Presidential Palace. Then the Prime Minister will go to the European Union-Western Balkans summit.

The Sejm elected on Monday evening as part of the so-called the second constitutional step of the chairman of the Civic Platform Donald Tusk for prime minister. As a result of the scandalous behavior of Grzegorz Barun, an MP from the Confederation, who on Tuesday evening extinguished Hanukkah candles in the Sejm building with a fire extinguisher in his hand, the proceedings before the appointment of the new government were interrupted. However, this did not prevent the procedure of appointing a new government from being completed, with a delay. In Tuesday’s vote, late in the evening, the Sejm granted a vote of confidence to Donald Tusk’s cabinet.

President Andrzej Duda – who was in Geneva at that time, where he participated in a high-level meeting on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – informed that, as agreed, the swearing-in of Donald Tusk’s government will take place on Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the Presidential Palace.

The president emphasized that he wanted to “enable the government to function as quickly and efficiently as possible.” – I said that we would adjust the time so that he could deal with all government matters on site that need to be dealt with on the first inaugural day of the government’s operation, and then he could calmly go to conduct state affairs – added the president.

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Andrzej Duda and Donald Tuskthe office of President

Duda appeals for calm and prudence

Andrzej Duda was asked at a briefing in Geneva about the words of politicians PISthat revenge is important for the new government, he was asked whether he also believed that Donald Tusk’s government was a “government of revenge”. – I think that those voices that talk about some kind of retaliation, about fears of retaliation, are based on the voices that are coming from the already present parliamentary majority (…), these some announcements of retaliation from various circles that support the current coalition ruling party, he said.

– I can only appeal for calm, prudence and a very legalistic approach. And I hope that there will be no such situations that could destroy order in Poland and, above all, violate the sense of justice, said the president.

Then Prime Minister Donald Tusk will go to the European Union-Western Balkans summit, and on Thursday and Friday he will take part in the meeting of the European Council.

Main photo source: the office of President

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