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The doors opened, there was no elevator. The young Italian woman died on the spot

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A 25-year-old Italian woman died when she wanted to get into an elevator and did not notice that there was an empty space behind the open doors, according to Italian media. The tragedy occurred in the city of Fasano in the south of the country, Clelia Ditano fell from a height of 15 meters. The police are now investigating why the doors opened, although the elevator was not on her floor.

The tragedy occurred on the night from Sunday to Monday in a block of flats in Fasano in the southern Italian region of Apulia. The newspaper “Il Messaggero” reports that 25-year-old Clelia Ditano wanted to go down from the fourth floor, so she called the elevator. When the doors opened, she did not notice that the elevator had not reached her floor at all. As a result, the woman encountered an empty space and fell 15 meters down the shaft, directly onto the roof of the elevator cabin located on the first floor. She died on the spot.

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She fell down the elevator shaft

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The newspaper “Quotidiano di Puglia” writes that initially no one realized what had happened and the girl remained in the elevator shaft all night. In the morning, another resident of the building allegedly tried to call the elevator. It did not work, but the woman did not notice anything wrong. It was only when the 25-year-old's father tried to call her at around 7 a.m. that he heard the sound of a cellphone coming from the elevator shaft and the tragic discovery was made.

The fire department arrived at the scene and recovered the woman's body, as did the police, who collected evidence to reconstruct the course of events. According to initial findings by investigators, reported by “Quotidiano Nazionale”, Ditano returned home around midnight, left her bag in the apartment, and then went back out. Her father admitted that she often did this, and went out to see her friends. The police are now trying to determine whether this was the case this time. It will also be necessary to determine why the elevator shaft doors opened, even though the elevator was on a different floor.

“Il Messaggero” notes that Ditano's death has shaken the local community. As they recalled, the woman worked in local guesthouses as a cleaner, was interested in sports and loved to dance. Just a few hours before her death, she posted her last photo on Instagram. This death is “absurd”, the woman's friends comment on social media.

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Main image source: ENEX

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