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The French far right now has the face of more than just Marine Le Pen. Who is Jordan Bardella?

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“Always dressed in excellent suits and with a fantastic hairstyle, he has built an entire community around him, which chants his name when he sees him,” writes “Politico”. He is the god of TikTok, he hits the jokes perfectly and performs great in traditional media. Jordan Bardella is 28 years old, but in the eyes of supporters, he is who they have been waiting for. The young politician is the formal leader of the National Rally and has a good chance of becoming Prime Minister of France.

The French far right now has the face of more than just Marine Le Pen. Jordan Bardella is as popular as his mentor. He is called “cyborg Le Pen, “poster boy” or “captain of the far right”, because he is the formal leader of the National Rally.

– The alliance I lead is the only credible, responsible alternative capable of starting the reconstruction of the country, while respecting its institutions, individual freedom and, of course, the unity of the nation, says the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella.

Bardella will only turn 29 in September. He comes from a family with Italian roots. He was born and raised near Paris. Although he graduated from a Catholic high school, he is an agnostic. He studied at the Sorbonne, but did not obtain a diploma. Six years ago, he became the head of the youth wing of the National Union party, but he quickly jumped into adult politics.

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Two years ago, he became president of his party after Marine Le Pen stepped down to run for president of France. Bardella has to struggle with being labeled a figurehead, because Le Pen still informally leads the party and is its most important figure, and the young leader, like it or not, has to repeat her narrative.

– Our desire is to unite all French people, regenerate the nation and restore hope for France, says Jordan Bardella.

France: the far right is getting ready to take powerJustyna Zuber/Fakty o Świecie TVN24 BiS


Bardella is extremely active on social media. The press writes that he cares obsessively about his image. The result is “bardellamania” – the leader of the National Union attracts young people to the far right and convinces that the devil is not as black as he is painted. His supporters do not even mind that the son of immigrants focuses on fighting immigration.

– I want to respect the rights and will of the French people. From the first weeks, I will make sure that France regains control of its destiny. I will introduce a law that will make it easier to expel foreigners who commit crimes. I will increase control at our borders against illegal immigration – announces Jordan Bardella.

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Bardella also wants to limit the “law of the land,” which, in a very simplified way, gives French citizenship to children of foreigners born in France. Another postulate is to limit healthcare and other social rights for non-EU immigrants.

In economic matters, Bardella also focuses on nationalism. – My ambitions are very simple: I want to restore order in the country, order in the streets, order in public finances. First of all, I want to remove constraints on economic growth. If we want to break through the wall of debt, we need our companies to create wealth, says Jordan Bardella.

Jordan Bardella was until recently in an informal relationship with Marine Le Pen's niece. This is why there are so many accusations that his career is the result of nepotism.

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Main photo source: PAP/EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA

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