Thousands of Hasidic pilgrims pray in Leżajsk at the symbolic grave of tzadik Elimelech. Tents were placed for those who did not fit in a small chapel.
Most pilgrims came to Podkarpackie with IsraelEurope and the United States.
The rabbi Elimelech Weissblum died on March 11, 1787, i.e. the 21st day of the month Adar. For Jews, the day begins after sunset, which is why the main celebrations related to the 238th anniversary of Elimelech's death began on Thursday evening and will last until the Friday sunset. They will end before the Sabbath.
Source: tvn24
“These are very cheerful people”
The Hasids are washed in the mushroom, i.e. the ritual bath before entering the cemetery. Then they go to Ohel, a chapel, in which there is a symbolic grave of Elimelech. There they read prayers and ask tzadik to intercession with God, whom they ask for health, love and prosperity. The Hasidians believe that the tzadik on the anniversary of his death descends from the sky and takes their requests to God, which they write on cards called bloomed and put it at the grave of the rabbi. Women pray separately in the neighboring room.
Source: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
For those who do not enter Ohel, because it is a small building, tents have been set up in which they can also pray. Later, there is time for a kosher meal and fun. – Hasids say that life is the greatest gift from God, so you should enjoy it. So they sing, play, fraternize and eat. These are very cheerful people, and we host them – says Witold Wójcik from the Leżajsk Hasidów Foundation, which has been operating for 33 years.
Source: tvn24
Some Hasidies sleep in Leżajsk
This year, a feast was prepared for around 9-12 thousand. people, because so many pilgrims are expecting the foundation. – Most came from Israel, the United States, Europe, we also have pilgrims from New Zealand or Australia – said Witold Wójcik.
There is salmon on the plates, baked legs, chicken chops, beef, vegetables, a cute, kugel, pancakes, soup and cake. Everything kosher, prepared under the supervision of the Master – a Jew.
Source: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Some come, others leave. For most, it is a few hours of stay, but some sleep in Leżajsk. On the anniversary of Tzadik's death, there are the most pilgrims, but Hasides who worship your spiritual leader can be found every day. Usually it is about 150-200 people.
Tradition recovered in the 70s.
The airport in Jasionka, where planes with pilgrims land, only within two days served 26 cruises from: Belgium, USA, Great Britain, Hungary, Romania and tel. Most of Israel – 17 aircraft with over 3,000 passengers on board.
Source: tvn24
Elimelech was one of the three most famous tzadics of former Poland. He became famous as a healer of souls and bodies and as the most active preacher of Hasidism. This rebellious religious and meal trend in Judaism was created in the 18th century in Ukraine and areas of south-eastern Poland. He proclaimed that God can be served not only by fulfilling the law and prayer, but also by daily duties. In 1772, the tzadik created the center of its activity in Leżajsk.
Before World War II, about 3,000 Jews lived in Leżajsk. There were three Jewish schools and two synagogues that burned down in September 1939.
Source: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
The tradition of visiting the grave of Elimelech revived again in the 1970s. Leżajsk and Tzadik's grave is one of the most holy places in the world for Hasidies.
Author/author: Wini/TOK
Source: PAP
Source of the main photo: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz