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Sunday, July 7, 2024

The journalist's question about the motion for the State Tribunal ended the conference of the NBP president

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TVN24 journalist Sebastian Napieraj tried to ask the NBP president for a comment on the motion to bring him before the State Tribunal. Adam Glapiński did not respond, and the spokesman ended the central bank president's conference.

On Thursday, a press conference was held with the participation of the President of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński, regarding the decision on NBP interest rates in July. During the question and answer session after the bank's president's speech, TVN24 journalist Sebastian Napieraj asked whether president Glapiński had already responded to the motion for the State Tribunal. Unfortunately, he did not receive an answer, because while he was still asking the question, the press spokesman took the floor, saying that the question was off-topic. After which the conference was quickly ended, and the audience did not receive an answer.


Application for the Glapiński Tribunal

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This concerns a letter sent in mid-June this year to Adam Glapiński by the Sejm's Constitutional Accountability Committee. The NBP chief has 30 days to respond (from the moment of delivery).

It is related to the motion submitted to the Sejm to bring the president of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński, before the State Tribunal. The president of the National Bank of Poland was accused of violating the constitution and the act on the National Bank of Poland by purchasing assets in 2020-2021 and, among others, currency interventions without proper authorization. It was submitted to the Sejm on March 26. It was previously announced by the Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The application for Adam Glapiński to the State Tribunal has run aground

– I admit that I only read this document (application for the State Tribunal – ed.) thoroughly last night. And it is such a mishmash. Peas and cabbage. Fragments of articles, individual statements. On half of this document you can also see the hand of President Mucha (member of the NBP board – ed.). It (application – ed.) was created at an accelerated pace. Which may suggest that the goal is not any State Tribunal – said President Adam Glapiński at one of the earlier press conferences, which took place on April 5 this year.

The last attempt to start the work of the State Tribunal took place on June 13. Because in the background there is a dispute between the Chairwoman of the State Tribunal, Mrs. Małgorzata Manowskaand eight judges of the State Tribunal. Manowska was accused of “failing to fulfill her legal obligation, i.e. the obligation to convene the full bench of the State Tribunal within the time limit resulting from the provisions of the law”. The judges sent a letter in this matter to the president, prime minister, marshals of the Sejm and Senate, the minister of justice and the national prosecutor.

President Glapiński himself gave an interview to the Financial Times in March, in which he announced that he would send a letter to Prime Minister Donald Tusk in an attempt to end the increasingly bitter dispute, which – as the head of the central bank warned – is damaging the country's international image.

– The elections are over. It's time to end this. We have common problems – Glapiński said then. However, it is not known whether such a letter was sent to Prime Minister Tusk.

Main image source: TVN24

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