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The Ministry of Education agreed to Paweł's proposals. The first student round meeting will be held in Białystok

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The student round table will take place next week in Białystok. Prime Minister Donald Tusk earlier promised one of the students that he would tell the Minister of Education about this proposal. Now it is known that Barbara Nowacka is in favor. The school year is slowly ending. It was started by Minister Czarnek and finished by Minister Nowack. What has changed during this time and what will change after the holidays?

Paweł Zapora can't wait for the meeting. – I'm glad that it hasn't been abandoned and that we will be able to have a real impact on education – says a first-grade student of the Secondary School No. 2 in Białystok. Three weeks ago, during a meeting with the Prime Minister, the student suggested talking to secondary school students about their problems and what they need. – I will tell Minister Barbara Nowacka to consider such a round table for secondary school students – replied Donald Tusk.

SEE MORE: The Prime Minister's proposal for Paweł's student. “Are you willing to give me your details?”

The proposal was met with reaction from the ministry. According to the Minister of Education, Barbara Nowacka, the pilot meeting will take place in Białystok on Saturday, June 22, i.e. the day after the end of the school year, which was undoubtedly exceptional. It started with Minister Przemysław Czarnek and ends with Minister Nowacka. Summaries are inevitable.

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The Minister of Education believes that she managed to depoliticize the school after her predecessor. First, the minister dismissed the controversial education superintendent from Małopolska, then all superintendents appointed under PiS. New people appeared, selected in competitions.

This school year, a decision was also made to withdraw the subject – a symbol of the previous government – from schools. Young people who will start the first grade in secondary schools will no longer learn history and the present. Instead, from September, but in 2025, civic education will appear in second grades. – There will probably be a textbook, but there will also be a lot of materials and a lot of freedom – assures Barbara Nowacka.

Nowacka: a change is necessary in the case of the subject education for safetyTVN24

Increases and a new item

One of the most important changes that has already become a symbol of this power is the limitation of homework in primary schools. The change, which gives students breathing space, still raises doubts among some teachers. – When children come home now, I hear from their parents, they throw their backpacks and do not even look at what needs to be done – says Magdalena Mazur, principal of Primary School No. 12 in Krakow.

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The appeals from students and teachers also include a request to slim down the overloaded core curriculum – work is also ongoing on this. There is also a request and pointing out that the increases granted do not end the topic. – This 30% increase was needed, it improved the situation of teachers, but we cannot say that this is all – emphasizes Magdalena Kaszulanis, spokeswoman for the Polish Teachers' Union. The Polish Teachers' Union proposes linking teachers' salaries with the average salary in the economy. Such a project has been waiting for consideration by the parliamentary education committee since January.

Main photo source: TVN24

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