AGH students from Krakow created and sent a satellite into space. This small device provides valuable data. – We can observe air pollution, volcanic explosions, forest fires – says Jakub Kopeć, one of the students. It may be a small step in the history of the conquest of space, but how great for these brilliant young people.
Students six days ago made contact with the satellite. – We received the first packages with information that he lives, that it works – says PrzemysÅ‚aw Sosna from Satlab at the AGH University of Science and Technology.
– I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast and I know that I can go to the university, to Mission Control and operate with a satellite, communicate with our hyp in space – says Jakub Sulowski.
They talk so twice a day – Hype satellite and its creators. – It's a bit like saying: “Hi, how are you?” Only not in Polish. We have special commands that we understand and understand also – says Jakub Kopeć, coordinator of satellite projects SATLAB AGH University of Science and Technology.
A big deal, although the size of Rubik's cube
Students of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow not only created a satellite. They organized everything that was needed to serve it from the ground. In mid -January they sent him to orbit and are already sure that he works and cooperates. This is a big deal, although the size of Rubik's cube.
– Hype is the smallest Polish satellite, but the size does not matter here. This is 18. Sent by our country into space. It shows that young people in Poland can build such technologies – indicates Hubert Kijek, author of the program “Kijek in space” on TVN24 BIS.
– This is a satellite that will really act in orbit and provide real data – says Professor Grzegorz Wrochna, president of the Polish Space Agency.
And these data will help humanity. – We can observe air pollution, volcanic explosions, forest fires – says Jakub Kopeć.
You needed talent, knowledge of students of various faculties of AGH, the help of the university to build Hype, undergo tests and shoot into space.
– We bought a place on such a space bus. This is a series of SpaceX missions that send smaller satellites – says Kopeć.
Hype, though so small and so far – plays for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The winners of the auction are proposed by a cosmic selfie.
Chmielewski impressed
Artur Chmielewski, a NASA space missile planning manager, is impressed by students. – They will already know how to communicate, what thermal requirements are. They already licked all this and touched their hands. They are more advanced engineers than someone who made three doctorates – he says. AGH students, without complexes, are already thinking about subsequent satellites and further about missions on Mars. And the mission of the cube called Hype will last two years.
Source of the main photo: Facts of TVN