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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Thursday in the Sejm. Changes in the Regulations, decision regarding the request to waive the immunity of Michał Woś

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The Sejm continues its session – the deputies will decide on the draft amendments to the Sejm Regulations and will also deal with the issue of bringing criminal charges against the former deputy head of the Ministry of Justice, Michał Woś.

Today from 9 The Sejm will continue the session that started on Wednesday, during which the members will discuss, among others, draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Sejm.

Currently, if disciplinary or organizational measures specified in these regulations are taken against a Member of Parliament who is a member of the Deputies' Ethics Committee or the Rules, Deputies' Affairs and Immunities Committee, he or she loses his/her membership in these committees.

The purpose of the change is to supplement the Rules of Procedure of the Sejm with a regulation according to which a Member of Parliament against whom such measures have been taken will not be able to apply for membership in the Ethics Committee or the Rules Committee for a period of six months.

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The Sejm will decide on Woś's immunity

The Sejm is also to deal with the committee's report regarding the request of the National Prosecutor to consent to bringing criminally liable the former deputy head of the Ministry of Justice, a politician of Sovereign Poland and a member of the club PIS Michał Woś.

MP of Sovereign Poland Michał Woś at a meeting of the parliamentary regulations committee PAP/Rafał Guz

The motion, which was submitted to the Sejm at the end of May, is related to the investigation of the National Prosecutor's Office regarding the expenditure of funds for the purchase of Pegasus-type software from the Justice Fund, as well as the expenditure of public funds for the purchase of a license to use the Pegasus system.

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