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Ukraine-Russia. Donald Trump has a plan to end the war. Kremlin comments

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During the American election campaign Donald Trump regularly repeats that if the United States were governed “the real president”whose respect would be considered Vladimir PutinMoscow wouldn't dare to invade to Ukraine in February 2022.

The Republican candidate also repeated his claims during last week's debate with Joe Biden. – I will end this war between Putin and Zelensky yet as president electbefore I take office on January 20, Trump said. The politician also claims that he will implement his plan will need 24 hours.

Ukraine-Russia. Kremlin Ambassador Criticizes Donald Trump's Idea

He commented on the words of the former US president on Monday. Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenziawho criticized the concept harshly.

The Ukrainian crisis cannot be resolved in one day. – said the diplomat during a press conference organized on the occasion of the beginning of the Russian presidency of the UN Security Council.

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Donald Trump's campaign reacted quickly to the Kremlin official's position. His campaign spokesman Steven Cheung told Reuters that “President Trump is the most effective statesman and negotiator in history”, that's why “he will resolve this conflict as soon as he is elected.”

US Presidential Elections: Russia Tries to Downplay Results

According to Reuters, the result of the presidential election in the USA is important for Russiadespite attempts to downplay the final election results. “They will determine the extent to which Washington will inclined to support Ukraine in its fight against Moscow by providing it with advanced American weapons,” the agency writes.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump, according to polls they go neck and neck. The current leader, however, has reason to be concerned, as the aforementioned debate has only fueled questions about his health. According to the results of the latest study 72 percent of respondents have doubts, whether Joe Biden is able to take office for another four-year term.

Americans will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. The winner's term will formally begin January 20, 2025.

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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on the situation in the Małopolska regional assembly: PiS insisted on supporting an unpopular candidate /Polsat News/Polsat News

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