Failure at ZTM passenger service points. Due to problems with the IT system, a resident's subscription cannot be obtained there regarding the paid parking zone. The matter can still be settled through the website of the capital's road.
The City Transport Authority announced the failure on Friday morning. “For technical reasons at all ZTM passenger service points, it is currently not possible to obtain a subscription to a SPPN resident (unguarded paid parking zone – ed.)” – said in a statement.
Residents, however, may continue to apply for an online subscription. The website of the Municipal Roads Board is used for this at:
ZDM spokesman Maciej Dziubiński told in an interview with that both ZDM and ZTM are undertaken to remove problems. As he explained, they relate to the IT system used in POPs. The failure does not affect the functioning of the road system used to accept applications for subscription.
Source: WTP
Two types of subscriptions in SPPN
There are two types of subscriptions in the paid unguarded parking zone. Cheaper – district – costs 30 zlotys a year and allows you to park in the area within a radius of 200 meters from the place of registration.
The area subscription allows you to park in the area designated in accordance with the map of subscription areas in SPPN. It also entitles you to stop on both sides of the streets that are the borders of areas. It costs PLN 600 a year, and the payment is possible in two installments of PLN 300 (only in the case of a subscription in POPM POPM).
Source: ZDM Warsaw
To receive a resident's subscription, you must be registered for permanent or temporary residence in the SPPN, have a PIT tax settled for the previous year in Warsaw and be the owner, co -owner or car user with a permissible total weight of up to 2.5 tonnes or a passenger car above 2.5 Tony.
Paid parking zone on Szczesliwicka
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Source: Tomasz Zieliński /
Author/author: KK
Source of the main photo: UM Warsaw