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Warsaw. Food was disappearing from the hospital kitchen. Former employees were caught red-handed

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The 42-year-old and the 38-year-old were caught red-handed when they broke into the hospital kitchen. According to the police, the men explained that they “stole so that they could eat it all later”. The list of stolen products included expensive sea fish. The hospital estimated the losses at PLN 80,000.

Police officers from Warsaw's Praga PoÅ‚udnie district received a report of a break-in in the kitchen of a hospital on Szaserów Street. – It turned out that someone was regularly stealing supplies that were delivered to the back room at night. There were almost 10 cases – informs Joanna WÄ™grzyniak, spokeswoman for the District Police Headquarters Warsaw VII.

They selected former kitchen workers

However, no one was able to explain how the perpetrators got inside. They left no traces. However, the police obtained information that allowed them to identify suspects.

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– Everything indicated that the people responsible for these burglaries were former kitchen employees. They were familiar with the entire supply procedure, and additionally, they had the ability to enter the kitchen area without leaving any traces behind. Based on their findings, the police officers determined the day and time when the suspects should appear in the kitchen again – describes the spokeswoman.

The officers began surveillance. – They didn't have to wait long, everything happened exactly as they had predicted. The men drove up in their car, a moment later they were already taking the goods out of the kitchen through the ramp and loading them into the car. Imagine their surprise when the police caught them red-handed and detained them. They couldn't believe that someone had figured out their procedure – WÄ™grzyniak recounts.

They liked sea fish. 80 thousand losses

This time they stole, among other things, fruit, tomatoes, peppers, pork loin, pork shoulder, ham, oils, tuna, salmon, mustards, in total goods worth over 3,500 zÅ‚oty. – They explained that they broke in and stole so that they could eat it all later – describes the policewoman.

The total value of the stolen products was estimated at over PLN 80,000. The suspects stole, among other things, almost 150 kilograms of yellow cheese, 180 kilograms of Atlantic cod, 40 kilograms of tuna and salmon, almost 70 kilograms of sprats in tomato sauce, 360 pieces of Icelandic yoghurt, 210 cottage cheeses, 95 liters of oil, 50 kilograms of margarine, several dozen kilograms of various meats and cold cuts, as well as beverages, vegetables and fruit.

Investigators from the Department for Combating Property Crimes have charged the detainees with jointly and in agreement committing burglary. This is punishable by 10 years in prison. The proceedings in this case are supervised by the District Prosecutor's Office of Warsaw Praga-Południe

Main image source: District Police Headquarters Warsaw VII

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