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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Warsaw. RCB Alert. Warning to residents about service exercises

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On Sunday, residents of Warsaw and the surrounding area received alerts from the Government Security Center about the services' exercises using pyrotechnics on Monday and Tuesday.

The two-day exercise was planned in two locations in the capital: in Śródmieście and Białołęka.

“Attention! On June 17 and 18, at ul. Czajki and Koszykowa in Warsaw, there will be exercises with the use of pyrotechnics (noise, smoke). Stay calm and follow the instructions,” we read in a message sent by RCB on Sunday.

RCB alert sent to residents of Warsaw and surrounding areas

Noise and smoke may occur due to exercises and are an integral part of simulated scenarios. The purpose of these exercises is, among others, improving the skills of services in crisis situations and ensuring greater safety for all of us. – Avoid approaching places where exercises are taking place. – Pay attention to the services' announcements and follow their recommendations. – Inform other residents about planned activities to reduce possible unrest.

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What is an RCB alert?

RCB Alert – this is a new SMS threat warning system. People who find themselves in a potential danger area will receive a warning SMS on their mobile phone. It doesn't matter what network your phone is on. Operators are obliged to immediately send a message to all users in the area specified by the RCB director. Messages are issued only in exceptional situations that may pose a real threat to human life and health.

Text messages (SMS) are sent only in extraordinary situations when life and health are directly at risk, depending on the circumstances.

RCB Alert does not violate data security. Messages (SMS) are sent by the operator of the mobile network used by a given phone. The Government Security Center does not collect or process data. The task of the RCB is only to send the acquired information about the threat to mobile network operators

Main photo source: Tomasz Zieliński, tvnwarszawa.pl

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