19.3 C
Monday, July 1, 2024

Weather for today – Thursday, 18.05. Precipitation only locally, from 9 to 17 degrees

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Weather for today. On Thursday, May 18, we will have mostly sunny weather. Only here and there will be rain or drizzle. Thermometers will show a maximum of 17 degrees Celsius. Almost everywhere we will feel thermal comfort, only in the south-east it will be cool.

Thursday will bring sunny and sunny weather for most of the country. Only in the east and south-east of Poland it will be cloudy with light rainfall, drizzle in places, up to 2-5 liters of water per square meter. The thermometers will show a maximum of 9-11 degrees Celsius in Podkarpacie to 15-17 degrees Celsius in the west and in the center of the country. A light north-westerly wind will blow, with a moderate north-easterly wind in the east and south.

Weather forecast for Thursdaytvnmeteo.pl

Biometeo conditions – Thursday, 18.05

Daytime humidity will range from 50 to 90 percent. Almost everywhere we will feel thermal comfort, only in the south-east it will be cool. Biometeo conditions will turn out to be unfavorable in the south-east of Poland, and neutral in the center, south-west and north. Only in the north-west of Poland the weather will be favorable.

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Biometeo conditions on Thursday

Biometeo conditions on Thursdaytvnmeteo.pl

Weather for today – Warsaw

On Thursday in in Warsaw It is forecasted to be cloudy with clearing up, it should not rain. The temperature at the warmest moment of the day will rise to 14-15 degrees Celsius. There will be a weak and moderate north-east wind. Barometers will indicate 1012 hPa at noon.

Weather for today – Tricity

inhabitants GdanskGdynia and Sopot A sunny Thursday with no rain awaits. Thermometers will show a maximum of 14-15 degrees C. The north wind will be moderate. The pressure will be 1028 hPa at noon.

Weather for today – Poznan

Thursday in Poznań it will bring a sunny weather without rain. The thermometers will show a maximum of 15-17 degrees C. A moderate wind will blow, north, turning to the north-east. Barometers will show 1015 hPa at noon.

Weather for today – Wroclaw

In front of the inhabitants Wroclaw Thursday with sunny weather without rain. Thermometers will show a maximum of 15-16 degrees C. The wind will be moderate, north, turning to the north-east. On the barometers we will see 1011 hPa at noon.

Weather for today – Krakow

On Thursday in Krakow it will be cloudy with light rain and/or drizzle intermittently. The rest of the day will be mostly cloudy with no rain. The maximum temperature will be 11-12 degrees C. There will be a north-east, moderate wind. The barometers will indicate 998 hPa at noon.

Road conditions on Thursday

Road conditions on Thursdaytvnmeteo.pl

Main photo source: PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

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