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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Germany. Chancellor Scholz: Germany will always act in concert with its allies, especially the US

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Olaf Scholz expressed his conviction on Monday that it is necessary to coordinate arms deliveries to Ukraine with the allies. The German chancellor’s words came amid mounting pressure on the government in Berlin to send Leopard 2 tanks to Kiev, Reuters reported.

At an election party SPD chancellor in Berlin Olaf Scholz stressed that Germany together with Great Britain, they are now the most important arms supplier after the USA to Ukraine, which is repelling the Russian invasion.

“We will continue to do so for as long as necessary,” he said. “As in the past, we will always be at the forefront when it comes to the scope and quality of our deliveries,” said Scholz, quoted by the dpa agency.

German Chancellor Olaf ScholzCLEMENS BILAN/PAP/EPA

However, the Chancellor also reiterated that it was ongoing war in Ukraine it must not become a war between Russia and NATO.

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Scholz: Germany will not go alone

He stated that Berlin adheres to the principle that “it will only act in agreement with partners”. – Germany will not go alone, Germany will always stick together with friends and allies, especially our transatlantic partner, the United States of America. Anything else would be irresponsible in such a dangerous situation.

Scholz agreed on Friday with the US president Joe Bidenthat Germany will deliver infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine for the first time. Earlier, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Steffen Hebestreit, stated that Germany currently has no plans to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. “The promised Marder infantry fighting vehicles will arrive on time,” he added.

Main photo source: CLEMENS BILAN/PAP/EPA

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