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President Andrzej Duda announced a veto, among others. raises for teachers. Donald Tusk comments

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President Andrzej Duda vetoed the budget-related bill, which – apart from financing public media, which the president pointed out – also includes raises, among others, for teachers. “I reassure those affected: we will deal with it,” wrote Prime Minister Donald Tusk on X. – All these regulations will be returned to the Sejm – assured presidential minister MaÅ‚gorzata Paprocka.

President Andrzej Duda reported that decided to veto the budget-related act for 2024, which included, among others, PLN 3 billion for public media, but also raises for teachers. “There cannot be consent to this in view of the flagrant violation of the Constitution and the principles of a democratic state of law,” he wrote.

Tusk: shame

The Prime Minister commented on the issue at X Donald Tusk. “The presidential veto takes money from preschool and beginner teachers, but abolishes the fireplace tax, i.e. it allows unlimited raises for the presidents of state companies and agencies,” he wrote.

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“Shame on you. Merry Christmas, President. I reassure those affected: we will deal with it,” he added.

Paprocka: pay raises for teachers will be returned to the Sejm

Presidential Minister MaÅ‚gorzata Paprocka spoke about Andrzej Duda’s decision on TVN24. – In addition to the decision to veto, the president announced the immediate submission of a legislative initiative. I am reassuring you about raises for teachers and salaries. All these regulations will be returned to the Sejm, she said.

She pointed out that the bill vetoed by the president “was adopted in two days” – the Sejm adopted it on Thursday and the Senate on Friday. – The president appeals to the speaker (of the Sejm) HoÅ‚ownia and the speaker (of the Senate) Kidawa-BÅ‚oÅ„ska to start work on the presidential project immediately – said Paprocka.

She argued that “there is no threat to the issue of pay rises.” – The veto results from an obvious issue – a blatant violation of the constitution and laws in view of what was happening this week in the public media – she explained.

– In order for the media to be financed, the three billion planned in the act, it is first necessary to reliably and legally repair the media and operate the management board in accordance with the law. This is how the president views this matter, said the presidential minister.

Grabiec: of course the Sejm will fix it

Jan Grabiec, head of Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s office, said in an interview with TVN24 that “this is an absurd way of acting, because Prime Minister Tusk has already announced that television will not be financed in this way, and that there will be no transfer of bonds from the state budget to finance public media as part of this reserve created by PiS, and these funds will go to the treatment of children.

– The president hit the fence with a bullet. There is no problem that the president is talking about. This “Christmas gift” in the form of blocking pay raises for teachers, administration and uniformed services is becoming a real problem – he added.

He assured that “of course the Sejm will fix it, but at what point – that will be decided by the Speaker and the parliamentary majority. – The President is behaving as if he had been asleep for the last six years, when the constitution was being violated when it comes to the functioning of public media,” he said.

Main photo source: Konrad Kozłowski / Agencja Wyborcza.pl

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