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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Kenya. Barack Obama's half-sister at a protest. Tear gas was fired

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Kenyan activist Finish Obama, who is also the half-sister of former US President Barack Obama, was among the protesters against whom tear gas was used. The incident took place on Tuesday during demonstration in front of the parliament building in Nairobi.

According to world agencies, on Tuesday, protesters tried to break into the Kenyan parliament building. Therefore, the police decided to open fire. As Reuters reminds, at least five protesters were killed and several dozen injured in clashes with the services.

The former president's sister protested in front of the parliament. Obama sprayed with tear gas

It turns out that Barack Obama's half-sister was among the protesters. A CNN reporter who spoke to Auma at the scene learned about it. – I'm here because look what's happening. Young Kenyans demonstrate for their rights. They demonstrate with flags and banners – she said during a short interview, then started coughing and added that she couldn't see anything.

We were attacked with tear gas – she explained her condition.

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Auma Obama previously published her photos from the protest on the X platform. However, former President Obama's office said it had no immediate comment on the incident involving the former head of state's half-sister.

Protests in Kenya. What is it about?

Kenya faces huge debt towards foreign creditors. Over the past two years, the cost of servicing liabilities has skyrocketed due to the decline in the value of the local currency. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic did not help the situation.

Last week, Kenya's government agreed to withdraw several planned tax increases. Despite this, the authorities have not given up on introducing new levies – in the opinion of decision-makers, these actions are necessary to limit foreign tax increases increase budget revenues in the empty state coffers.

Dissatisfied citizens, mainly from Generation Z, started a protest. According to Reuters demonstrators demanded the resignation of the president and MPswhich would consequently lead to a change of power.

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