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Monika Pawłowska in the PiS club. Comments

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Monika Pawłowska, who was sharply criticized by PiS for accepting Mariusz Kamiński's mandate, has now joined this club. She had been denied this before. Pawłowska herself said that she was very happy to “collaborate with friends”. Law and Justice politicians argue that “the situation has changed.” – I like Pawłowska very much. However, it was truly a scandal that she took up this mandate when it was occupied – said Przemysław Czarnek. Tomasz Trela ​​(Left) commented that it was “an additional saber in the rotten crucible of Law and Justice.”

MP Monika Pawłowska announced that on Wednesday she was accepted into the Law and Justice parliamentary club. In February took over the parliamentary seat after Mariusz Kamiński, who lost it after the final conviction of the District Court in Warsaw. Since taking up her mandate, she has remained an unaffiliated MP.

Although she wanted to join the PiS club, she was not accepted because the party's politicians did not recognize Kamiński's loss of his parliamentary seat. The club questioned the legality of Pawłowska's appointment to the Sejm to replace a convicted and later pardoned PiS politician.

Pawłowska: I'm glad that I can cooperate with my friends

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On Thursday, in a conversation with TVN24 reporter Agata Adamek, Pawłowska said that she “consistently wanted to join the PiS club.” – And I am very happy that I can cooperate with these people, I can boldly say – friends. These are really very, very nice, valuable people, she said.

– I haven't experienced any ostracism or anything like that. Rather, everyone is satisfied, she argued.

In response to the comment that not so long ago, when she was sworn in, they boycotted her decision and said that she had no right to take up the mandate, Pawłowska said: – We leave what happened behind us, we move forward, we do not dwell on it.

Monika Pawłowska in the PiS club. MP about her admission to the clubTVN24

Czarnek: I like Mrs. Pawłowska very much, but it really was a scandal

Politicians in the Sejm commented on the change in PiS's position and the admission of Pawłowska to the club on Thursday. He talked about this, among other things Przemyslaw Czarnekwho sharply criticized the MP a few months ago for accepting the mandate.

As he stated on Thursday in a conversation with a TVN24 reporter, “circumstances are changing.” – I like Mrs. Pawłowska very much, and I have never hidden it. However, it was truly a scandal that she took up this mandate when it was still occupied by Minister Kamiński – he said.

– Today, Minister Kamiński is happily an MEP with a very good result in the Lublin Voivodeship. The seat is vacant, Mrs. Pawłowska is an MP, she wants to be a member of the club, she has been accepted into the club. So just enjoy it, he said. He also said that in such matters “the decision is made by the club management.”

Czarnek also said that the PiS club “is a big club.” – There are 190 people in it or 191, so there are different people. However, I repeat once again – I have a good conversation with Mrs. Pawłowska, but I do not change my opinion about the circumstances in which she took up the mandate. It was indeed inappropriate, he added.

Czarnek about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS club

Czarnek about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS clubTVN24

Kuźmiuk: the situation has changed

Zbigniew Kuźmiuk (PiS) admitted that he “was of the opinion that (Pawłowska) took up the mandate prematurely because there was the issue of Minister Kamiński, who, in our opinion, was illegally deprived of his mandate.”

Now, however, he said, “the situation has changed.” – Minister Kamiński won a mandate to the European Parliament, so his mandate has expired, regardless of what Marshal Hołownia thinks about it – he said.

In response to the comment that “this does not change the fact that Mrs. Pawłowska disregarded the club's position”, Kuźmiuk argued that “there was no club's position on this matter”. – However, there were talks with the MP asking her not to accept this mandate, because we believe that Minister Kamiński was illegally deprived of his mandate. But the matter resolved itself naturally, he continued.

When asked if it bothered him that such a person would be in the same club with him, he denied it. “I'm not petty,” he said.

Kuźmiuk on Pawłowska's admission to the PiS club

Kuźmiuk on Pawłowska's admission to the PiS clubTVN24

Andzel “doesn't mind” Pawłowska's party

Waldemar Andzel (PiS) when asked if he was satisfied with the new member of the club, said that “it didn't bother him”.

When the reporter pointed out that Pawłowska had been harshly criticized by PiS, especially Przemysław Czarnek, the MP said: – You have to ask the MP. I am glad.

Answering the question why they needed Pawłowska in the club, he pointed out that “because she accepts the Law and Justice program, she votes with us.”

Andzel on Pawłowska's admission to the PiS club

Andzel on Pawłowska's admission to the PiS clubTVN24

Tomasz Trela: I think the worst about Pawłowska

Tomasz Trela ​​(New Left) said that he “doesn't want to have anything to do with people who join PiS, I don't want to know them.” – Mrs. Pawłowska in her style: first unwanted, and now loved by Mr. Kaczyński and Mr. Błaszczak, because (it is) an additional saber in this rotten crucible of Law and Justice – he said.

– I think the worst of such people and I think the worst of Mrs. Pawłowska – he added.

Trela ​​about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS club

Trela ​​about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS clubTVN24

Jaskulski: a drowning man grasps at straws

Patryk Jaskulski (PO) assessed that “a drowning man clutches at straws”. – There is undoubtedly some kind of tribal warfare in Law and Justice. And I think that is why they are accepting everyone today, because they know that they are simply slowly sinking. This ship called Law and Justice is taking on water. They have to fight, take care of every single sabre in the Sejm – he said.

Jaskulski about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS club

Jaskulski about Pawłowska's admission to the PiS clubTVN24

Pawłowska changed her political colors many times

Pawłowska changed party colors many times. In 2019, she was elected as an MP, running on the list of the Democratic Left Alliance on behalf of the Wiosna party. Then she served as vice-chairwoman of the Left parliamentary club. In March 2021, she left the Wiosna club and party, joining Porozumienie Jaroslaw Gowin and becoming an unattached MP. In September 2021, she left the Agreement and the next day announced that she was joining the Law and Justice parliamentary club, subsequently becoming a member of this party. IN elections in 2023, she was not re-elected as a member of parliament, but later – in March – she took over the seat after Kamiński.

Pawłowska already announced in February that she would try to join the PiS club. However, politicians from this group replied that it could not be adopted. Błaszczak explained that “the 461st MP will not be admitted, he will not be admitted to the Law and Justice club.” Also the president of PiS Jaroslaw Kaczynski he said that “there is no 461st MP in the Sejm.”

PiS MP, former Minister of Science Przemysław Czarnek told journalists after her oath that Monika Pawłowska is not an MP. – Anyone who is not an MP cannot be a member of the club – he added.

Main image source: Radek Pietruszka/PAP

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