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Friday, October 18, 2024

US Presidential Election 2024. Then he will give up the fight for re-election. Joe Biden directly

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The discussion about Joe Biden withdrawing from the race for the White House has heated up after his debate with Donald Trump. The current president came out very poorly in this clash, which had its consequences. Apart from strictly image issues, more and more allies began to turn away from Biden, openly calling for, to withdraw.

Biden himself, however, remained adamant, commenting that there were no objections to him running for the highest office in the country. – I'm taking part in the race and we will win. I'm not going anywhere. It's high time we stopped treating politics like entertainment or reality shows, Biden said Saturday at a meeting with voters in Detroit.

We wtorek w Black Entertainment Television Joe Biden he commented again on his form and spoke about the ongoing election campaign. The full interview will be published on Wednesday.

US Presidential Election 2024. Joe Biden on Withdrawing from the Race. He Indicated the Condition

If any disease appearedsome disease, if someone, doctors, came and said: you have this and that problem – described Biden, indicating possible reasons that would make him withdraw from the fight for the White House.

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Biden also commented on his debate, as well as his first run in the election. – I thought I would be able to walk away, pass it on to someone else. But I didn't think things would turn out this way, that everything would become so divided – he described.

– Honestly, the only thing that age bringsthere's a modicum of wisdom. I think I know how to get things done for the country, even though we've been told we can't do it, Biden said.

– But there is still a lot to do and I'm reluctant to move away from this – added the US President.

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Vote on abortion. Kwiatkowski: The absence of PiS politicians is not accidental/Polsat News/Polsat News

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