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Monday, July 8, 2024

Adrian Zandberg: The government has stepped into PiS shoes. By maintaining it, the Left may go to its grave itself

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The left that does not implement its program and maintains a government that implements a different, center-right program may go to its grave itself. Leftist voters will then have no reason to vote for the Left, said Adrian Zandberg, vice-chairman of the Razem party, on TVN24.

The guest of “Piasecki's Rozmowa” on TVN24 was Adrian Zandberg, co-chair of the Razem party, MP from the Left. He spoke, among other things, about his party's attitude towards the government Donald Tusk. – The left is divided on this issue today. Part of the Left, i.e. colleagues from the New Left, decided to join this government. And part of the Left, i.e. MPs from Razem, decided not to join the government, he said.

– After half a year (of Tusk's rule – editor), it is time to answer honestly the question of what the leftist program has achieved and what has not. My assessment of this is highly critical. I think that only a little has been achieved, Zandberg said.

He pointed out that “the New Left supports this government, but Razem is not part of the government.” – We vote rationally and we will vote this way in the future. I will not make decisions for my colleagues from the New Left whether to continue in this government or not, he emphasized.

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– The Left, which will not implement its program and will maintain a government that implements a different, center-right program, may at the end simply sing “good Tusk, and our Lord, give us eternal rest” and lie in its grave itself. Because left-wing voters will simply have no reason to vote for the Left, he said.

He referred, among other things, to the government's actions on the border. – I hear from our voters, from the voters of the Left, that they are disappointed that the new government has enthusiastically stepped into PiS's boots on this matter. I also hear many other disappointments over the last few months – said the TVN24 guest.

Main photo source: TVN24

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