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Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz on changes in TVP: I absolutely did not break the law. I took advantage of the opportunity it provided

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It was one of the most important moments of rebuilding democracy in Poland – said Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24, recalling the shutdown of the TVP Info signal. – I will not forget this moment (…) when one of the most disgusting and disgusting political operations in the history of the independent Republic of Poland ceased to operate in Poland – added the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

On Wednesday, the Sejm rejected a motion to express a vote of no confidence in the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz. 194 MPs voted for the minister’s dismissal, 241 MPs voted against, and two MPs abstained. The application was submitted Law and Justice due to changes in public media.

The Sejm decided on a vote of no confidence in Sienkiewicz

Sienkiewicz: one of the most important moments of rebuilding democracy in Poland

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A few hours after the vote, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz was a guest of “Kropka nad i” on TVN24. He was asked about how, at the beginning of the process of changes in public media, TVP Info signal was turned off.

– I won’t forget this moment. It was 11:17 am when one of the most disgusting and disgusting political operations in the history of the independent Republic of Poland ceased to operate in Poland, he said. – This torrent of evil, which had been pouring out across Poland for eight years, which had deeply divided society, which had pitted people against each other within their families, stopped working at 11:17. I will not forget this hour and I believe it was one of the most important moments of rebuilding democracy in Poland, said Sienkiewicz.

Sienkiewicz: I didn’t break the law

The minister was asked why he did not decide on the statutory path of changes in public media.

– It had to be cut. Entering the statutory path, in the legal and political conditions in Poland, would mean that the television of Jacek Kurski, (Samuel) Pereira and all those gentlemen who were still relying on this, on these lies and setting people on themselves, millions of them, would operate until the end legislative process, months or even years. Because this is the legislative process we have, he said.

When asked if he felt that he had broken the law, he replied: – Absolutely not. I took advantage of the opportunity provided by law. And you may not like it, but the courts are independent from verifying it.

Sienkiewicz also referred to the fact that at the end of December he put TVP, Polskie Radio and PAP into liquidation. – I had to go into liquidation because this state also allows for the restructuring of these companies. That is, run them in such a way that they can save money and be able to function – he said.

Main photo source: TVN24

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