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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bielany-varicose veins. Collision of a tank and a fire truck. Organizer’s comment

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After the incident involving the tank, the Podlasie Museum of Military and Utility Technology assured that it would cover the costs of repairing the damaged fire truck. The organizer of the festival in Bielany-Żyłaki explained that the tank’s drive system had failed, although it had previously worked flawlessly.

Until an unusual event it took place at a historical picnic in the town of Bielany-Żyłaki near Sokołów Podlaski. The first information about the incident was published on Facebook by the “Samochody Ratownicze” website.

During a picnic, a tank (a museum piece, not belonging to the army) crashed into a stationary fire truck. The car of the Kowiesa Volunteer Fire Department secured the event and stood to the side. At one point, the tank driver rammed the barrel into the windshield of the vehicle that has been used by firefighters for several years (a reward for the commune for turnout in the 2020 parliamentary elections). Nothing happened to any of the guys.

The festival was organized by the Podlaskie Museum of Military and Applied Technology. It took place under the name “Strzal 10”. The program includes, among others: “dynamic tank demonstrations”.

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“After the shows” the drive system failed

The picnic organizer commented on the incident late on Monday evening. The author of the statement wrote that “the unfortunate accident resulted not from a failure of the brakes (such speculations had previously appeared in the media – ed.), but of the drive system.”

“I would like to add that we monitor the condition of all vehicles in the museum on an ongoing basis, strictly observing safety considerations. Each piece of equipment is thoroughly checked for proper functioning before being put into operation. It was similar with the tank, which worked flawlessly from the beginning, but later suffered a failure, resulting in an unfortunate event.” – we read in the statement of the Podlasie Museum of Military and Applied Technology.

It was emphasized that “the incident occurred after the end of the demonstrations at the picnic, while the tank was entering the hall,” and the place of the collision was several hundred meters from the picnic. “Importantly, during the event itself, care was taken to ensure that its participants were at a safe distance from vehicles and other military equipment,” it was assured.

“The museum will cover the costs of repairing the fire truck”

It was also emphasized that if the braking system failed, “the fire truck would be completely massacred.” “Something got stuck in the drive system and that’s why the tank didn’t turn properly. The museum will cover the costs of repairing the fire truck,” we read.

Party with the slogan “Shoot for 10”

Michał Kuczmierowski, president of the Government Agency of Strategic Reserves, who is running for the Sejm on the PiS ticket, invited the Podlasie Museum of Military and Utility Technology to the event. His election slogan is the same as the name of the Sunday picnic.

However, the museum owner emphasizes that the festival was not about promoting any specific politician. He also admits that the PiS candidate was present at the picnic, where he handed out gadgets, including: key rings or compasses. “Mr. Michał (Kuczmierowski – ed.) is a recognizable person in our community. I deliberately used his slogan because it is catchy and perfectly suited the specificity of a Sunday picnic,” writes the author of the statement.

Main photo source: Emergency Cars

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