Daniel Obajtek joined the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). He serves as a coordinator there. on behalf of the European Conservatives and Reformists group. Now, on the Polish Sejm website, his declaration of assets.
Daniel Obajtek has over a million zlotys in savings
The document shows that the former president Orlen he has a little over a million zlotys in his account, plus 20 thousand euro. In addition, Daniel Obajtek entered a 270 m2 house in his property declaration, which was valued in the document at PLN 500,000. However, the MEP is not its formal owner, and only has the “right of unpaid lifelong use”.
A fragment of Daniel Obajtek's financial declaration Photo: Screenshot/orka.sejm.gov.pl
The same is true for two plots valued at a total of PLN 400,000. In turn, the third plot entered in the property declaration was valued at PLN 538,000. Daniel Obajtek also received PLN 32,500 in EU land subsidies.
Work for a Hungarian company, works of art and watches in Daniel Obajtek's financial statement
Politician PIS he also works for the Hungarian company Bayer Construct, from which he receives almost 10 thousand euros in cash every month. Daniel Obajtek also stated in his financial statement that he owns works of art and watches worth a total of 200 thousand złoty.
The former president of Orlen also has a five-year loan from Pekao SA in the amount of PLN 800,000, of which he has slightly over PLN 200,000 to repay. Daniel Obajtek, on the other hand, does not own a single car. Let us recall that the former president of Orlen achieved the best result from the PiS list in the Podkarpacie region in the June elections to the European Parliament. According to data from the National Electoral Commission, nearly 172,000 people voted for him.