The national poll was commissioned by NBC News. Democratic and Republican candidates won in it 48 percent each The study was conducted on October 4-8.
On Sunday, NBC News indicates that Harris has the largest advantage among black voters (84-11%), people aged 18 to 34 (57-37%) and whites with higher education (55-41%).
Whereas Trump leads in rural areas (75-23%) and among whites without higher education (65-33%).
Trump and Harris. The end of favorable Democratic dynamics?
Compared to the September poll, NBC News emphasizes that the new poll is less favorable for Harris. Democratic candidate last month was overtaking Donald Trump in a ratio of 49 to 44 percent.
“When summer turned to autumn, any signs of favorable dynamics for Kamali Harris stopped” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt, who conducted the October poll with Republican Bill McInturff.
According to McInturff “opposite winds” for Harris, they helped make the race even tighter.
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