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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet that oversaw the retaliatory operation in the Gaza Strip following the Hamas attack. As Reuters reported, citing its own sources, it was a “widely expected move” after former general Beni Ganc left the government.

War Cabinet in Israel was created on October 11, 2023. The decision to dissolve it was to be made on Sunday evening.

As Reuters reported, citing its own sources, it was a “widely expected move after the departure of former Defense Minister General Beni Ganc from the government.”

READ: Beni Gantz leaves Netanyahu's war cabinet. He called for early elections

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Apart from Gantz, there were five ministers in the cabinet. The far-right ministers of security and finance, Itamar Ben Gwir and Bezalel Smotricz, allegedly demanded to be included in this body, which could lead to a deepening of Israel's conflict with its allies.

Main photo source: Michael Kappeler/PAP

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