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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Israel, Gaza Strip. The US dropped humanitarian aid

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The United States, together with the Jordanian Air Force, dropped over 38,000 reinforcements as part of humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, the United States Central Command announced on Saturday.

The United States Central Command reported on Saturday that American military aircraft with the support of the Air Force Jordan dropped over 38,000 weapons into the Gaza Strip. meals as part of the first round of humanitarian aid approved by the president Joe Biden.

The drops were made by three C-130 transport planes. This is the first American airdrop of humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, the White House stressed that the airdrops will be continuous and that Israel agreed to them – writes the Associated Press.

Air Force C-130 aircraft USA have been used in the past for humanitarian airdrops to Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti and other places. The food parcels were secured on pallets with a net and then released from the back of the plane using parachutes.

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The US has dropped humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip Reuters

The US has dropped humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip Reuters

Other countries have previously carried out similar airdrops, including: France, Egypt or Jordan.

Last resort

As the Washington Post notes, humanitarian aid experts point out that this method of sending food is usually used as a last resort because it is inefficient and expensive. – I think drops are the way of the last one choice delivering aid, said Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN aid agency for the Palestinians, UNRWA. He added that this is not a solution to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. – The real answer is to open border crossings – he added.

The US has dropped humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip Reuters

The UN reported that at least 576,000 inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, a quarter of the population of this semi-enclave, are one step away from starvation.

Main photo source: Reuters

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