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New benefit from ZUS. Support benefit 2024. ZUS on the first applications

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From January 1, you can submit applications for support benefits. ZUS spokesman Paweł Zebrowski said that of the 150 applications submitted to ZUS so far, all were incomplete because the provincial teams for assessing disability had not yet considered applications for issuing a decision determining the level of support need.

On January 1, 2024, the Act on support benefits addressed to people with disabilities who are over 18 years of age entered into force.

All applications are incomplete

– ZUS received 150 applications for support benefits – said PaweÅ‚ Å»ebrowski, ZUS spokesman. He noted that they are incomplete because the provincial disability assessment teams have not yet considered applications for a decision determining the level of support need.

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– We would like to remind you that ZUS is in the final stage of applying for the benefit. First, you must submit an application to the provincial disability assessment team (WZON) for a decision determining the level of support need. In this decision, WZON will determine the level of support need on a scale from 0 to 100 points. Only when this decision of the WZON becomes final, an application should be submitted to ZUS for a support benefit – emphasized the ZUS spokesman.

He reminded that if a person with a disability first submits an application to ZUS for a support benefit, and there is no decision issued by WZON on determining the level of support need, ZUS, in accordance with the regulation, will leave such an application without consideration.

– That is why it is so important to maintain the correct order in submitting applications. This means first an application to the Provincial Disability Assessment Team (WZON) to issue a decision in which the number of points determining the level of support need will be established, and then an application to ZUS for granting a support benefit based on the WZON decision – emphasized the ZUS spokesman.

The support benefit will be granted by ZUS to persons to whom WZON has awarded the qualifying number of support need points from the date from which WZON awarded the points. The application must be submitted to ZUS within 3 months from the date on which the WZON decision became final. If a disabled person submits an application to us within these 3 months, we will grant a support benefit with compensation from the date from which WZON awarded the qualifying points – emphasizes the ZUS spokesman.

How much will the support benefit be?

The support benefit is being introduced in three stages. People with 87-100 points can apply from 2024, people with 78-86 points – from 2025, and people with 70-77 points – from 2026.

The situation is different for people who have at least 70 points, because they will be able to obtain a support benefit from 2024, provided that after December 31, 2023, the guardians of these people will be entitled to a care benefit, special care allowance or allowance for a guardian paid by the commune authority.

The support benefit will range from 40 to 220 percent. the current amount of the social pension (currently it is PLN 1,588.44). This means that at the beginning the amounts will range from approximately PLN 635 to nearly PLN 3,495, depending on the level of support need:

– 95–100 points – 220 percent social pension, – 90–94 points – 180 percent social pension, – 85–89 points – 120 percent social pension, – 80–84 points – 80 percent social pension, – 75–79 points – 60 percent social pension, – 70–74 points – 40 percent social pension. Persons who have the status of a person with a disability confirmed in the form of: a certificate of disability and its degree issued by disability assessment teams may apply for a support benefit; a decision on incapacity for work or a decision on inability to live independently issued by ZUS doctors; invalidity certificate issued before September 1997 by the medical commissions for invalidity and employment.

WZON will issue a decision establishing the level of support need for the same period for which the person has a disability certificate, but no longer than 7 years. After the WZON issues a decision, the entitled person should submit an application for payment of the benefit to ZUS. This will only be possible electronically via: the Electronic Services Platform (PUE) of ZUS, the Emp@tia portal or electronic banking.

Submitting applications

An application to ZUS may also be submitted by an attorney. The application for a support benefit does not need to be accompanied by a decision issued by WZON. ZUS will receive all the data contained in it from the Electronic National System for Monitoring Disability Assessments (EKSMOoN). This system is run by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

ZUS will pay the support benefit by transfer to the bank account number in Poland that the disabled person provides in the application. He will receive them together with other benefits, e.g. social pension or 500 plus for dependent persons. The support benefit will be payable regardless of income, it will be exempt from income tax and cannot be seized by a bailiff.

Main photo source: Grand Warsaw / Shutterstock

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