As reported by the portal aftenposten.nopossible shortages in access to eggs would mean the second “egg crisis” this year – the first one occurred already before Easter. For reason In this situation, it is recognized that there is a discrepancy between the estimates of the annual demand for eggs in Norway and the actual situation. Unfortunately, the hen breeders' predictions did not come true.
There may be a shortage of eggs in Norway. They want to focus on imports
– We sell Norwegian products whenever we can, and foreign products only when we have to. This time we have to reach for supplies from Denmark – commented a representative of the retail chain for the Norwegian website. It should be recalled that Norway is not a member of the European Union and applies its own sanitary and customs regulations.
For this reason, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority considered eggs from other Scandinavian countries to be as safe as domestic eggs. Import will become the main way to combat shortages.
Problems also on the Polish market. Industry representatives issued an appeal
As we have already discussed, the Polish National Federation of Poultry Breeders and Egg Producers also reported problems that have recently time affected the market. Due to losses caused by bird flu, there was to be turmoil in the industry, which may affect product prices.
“Over a million eggs a day suddenly disappeared from the market. This is a gigantic amount that was supposed to go to the bakery every day, shops and food production plants. (…) Since the supply decreased sharply, the price of eggs went up, according to the law of supply and demand. Moreover, egg producers, not wanting to fall victim to price wars conducted by chains, are looking for a place for their products where they can count on prices that will give them adequate income,” she explained to KFHDiPJ then. More on this topic they wrotein the article: “'Over a million eggs a day suddenly disappeared from the Polish market.' Industry representatives are appealing“.