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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Okalina, Opatów. A World War II aerial bomb exploded during the construction of the ring road. One person injured

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The unexploded bomb that exploded on the construction site of the Opatów ring road (Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) and injured a worker is a 100-kilogram air bomb from World War II, sappers confirmed. The soldiers have completed their inspection of the explosion site. As a result of the incident, the construction equipment operator suffered facial injuries.

On Thursday afternoon at the construction site of the Opatów ring road in Okalina during the work, an unexploded ordnance hidden in the ground exploded. A construction equipment operator was injured. Sappers reported on Friday that the projectile was a 100-kilogram bomb from World War II.

Unexploded bomb in OpatówKPP Abbots

Commander of the sapper patrol: there was a powerful explosion

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The injured worker was taken to the hospital with facial injuries. His life is not in danger. At the time of the explosion, the operator was on the tractor with the ground stabilization device.

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Senior Staff Warrant Officer Robert Krasowski, commander of the 31st Sapper Patrol from the Center for Preparations for Foreign Missions in Kielce, assessed on Friday that sappers have already completed their inspection of the explosion site. – There was a powerful explosion, fortunately, all the energy from the explosion was taken by a working device weighing about five tons. The machine was seriously damaged, its elements, weighing up to 500 kilograms, were scattered within a radius of several hundred meters – said the commander.

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The soldier emphasized that in the crater formed after the explosion, “elements of the body of an aerial bomb weighing 100 kilograms” were found.

Unexploded bomb in OpatówKPP Abbots

The explosion could have threatened a gas station

The explosion occurred about 100 meters from the gas station. – Due to the explosion of such a powerful explosive charge and the resulting seismic wave, the underground tanks at the petrol station could be unsealed. We recommended the facility manager to inspect these elements – added Krasowski.

Unexploded bomb in OpatówKPP Abbots

Younger aspirant Katarzyna Czesna-Wójcik, a press officer of the Opatów police, informed on Friday that police technicians were working on the spot. – After the inspection, the site will be handed over to the construction manager – she added. Before commencing further construction works, the contractor is to commission another inspection of the right-of-way designated for the construction of the bypass.

Main photo source: KPP Abbots

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