The first day of calendar spring is World Day of People with Down syndrome. In Poznań, for the tenth time, the “March Na” was organized on this occasion, which is to draw the attention of society to people with trisomy 21. On this day, the popular gesture of solidarity is to put on colorful socks not to steam. Symbols are important, but real help too. Thanks to the Siepomaga Foundation, four young athletes with intellectual disabilities can be supported on this special day.
On March 21, World Day of People with Down syndrome is celebrated. It was established in 2005 on the initiative of the European Association of Down Team, and since 2012 it has been celebrated under the auspices of the United Nations.
The hallmark of World Day of people with Down syndrome are colorful socks worn not to steam. They symbolize mismatched chromosomes in the genotype of people with Down syndrome, as well as frequent social mismatch with which such people face. Establishing two different socks on this day is a nice gesture of support.
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Not only colorful socks
But this is not the only way to show solidarity with people with trisomy 21. Fundacjaspomaga on the occasion of World Day of people with Down syndrome has created a special collection on her portal. Its purpose is to support four young athletes with intellectual disabilities.
The collection started on March 7, and she is accompanied by the #Czieczetaksamo campaign. As part of this campaign, the collection page publishes recordings with the participation of Paweł, Bartek, Filip and Mateusz – four participants of the Special Olympic Games program. Everyone connects love for sport. On short recordings they talk about feelings that we all know perfectly well – no matter how many chromosomes have.
The collection will end on March 23. So far, over PLN 4,000 has been collected.
Source: Shutterstock
“March on Tak” in Poznań
On Friday, the streets of Poznań passed a colorful “march on the same”, in which they took part, among others People with Down syndrome. This is the tenth edition of this event.
Source: tvn24
– We in Poznań welcome spring in a special way, because it is also a world day of people with Down syndrome. March for yes. It is a manifestation that people not only with Down syndrome, but also other disabilities are in our society. There are a lot of them. And these people can and want to function in our society. They can work, though not full. They have many talents and want to share them with others – said on TVN24 Filip Gruszczyński from the Association on Taki, which supports people with Down syndrome, runs schools and therapeutic classes.
Gruszczyński also mentioned that thanks to the Association a help home for adults with Down syndrome was created. This is the place where they live, they are provided with specialist care. They can also realize their passions. Currently, there is a place for six people at home. – I think that there should be more such places, because when the parents of people with Down syndrome leave, they are somewhat alone – he mentioned.
The march crossed the streets: Saint Marcin, Ratajczak and December 27. The colorful manifestation ended at Plac Wolności.
Source: tvn24
Author/author: aa
Source: TVN24, PAP
Source of the main photo: Tvn24