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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pegasus – investigative committee. Zbigniew Ziobro is to appear before the committee

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Zbigniew Ziobro is to testify on Monday before the parliamentary investigative committee on Pegasus surveillance. The head of the committee said that he was effectively notified about the hearing and did not provide an excuse for his possible absence.

Hearing Zbigniew Ziobro by the parliamentary inquiry committee for Pegasus is to begin at 10 a.m.

The head of the commission, Magdalena Sroka, said on Friday that Ziobro was effectively notified about the interrogation by a police officer. Earlier, the chairwoman informed that the committee was trying to deliver the summons to Ziobro, but the politician did not receive it. – Hence my decision for the prosecutor's office to ask the police to determine the minister's whereabouts and issue a summons – she explained.

The head of the committee also said that the committee did not receive any excuse for Ziobro's possible absence. At the same time, Sroka assured that if Monday's hearing would not take place due to health reasons, she would strive to set another convenient date that would be acceptable for the witness.

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Ziobro: My sick leave has been kept in the Chancellery of the Sejm for weeks

“The investigative committee is well aware that after being diagnosed with extensive cancer of the esophagus and stomach lymph nodes, I underwent a complicated operation and am continuing treatment. And for weeks, the Chancellery of the Sejm has had my sick leave covering the period until July 7,” Ziobro wrote a few days ago on Platform X. In his opinion, summoning him on July 1 and involving the police is “a primitive provocation and plain, disgusting harassment.”

The politician recalled that according to the law, the police can only be used for deliveries in situations of “absolute necessity”, and should use the postal service first. “I have long since publicly stated, and I maintain that, that I want to appear before the commission. I just need to regain my strength, and the commission should respect the applicable law in its actions,” Ziobro added.

Zbigniew Ziobro is the co-founder and president of Sovereign Poland (in 2012–2023 under the name Solidarity Poland). From 2005 to 2007, he served as Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General. He became the Minister of Justice again in 2015, and the Prosecutor General in 2016 and held these positions until 2023. The politician disappeared from public space after elections parliamentary elections on October 15 last year, handing over the leadership of Sovereign Poland to Patryk Jaki. As revealed in the media by politicians PISthe reason for Ziobro's withdrawal from political life was a serious cancer. Ziobro himself confirmed on March 12 that he was struggling with “a fatal disease of malignant esophageal cancer with metastases to part of the stomach”.

Main photo source: Rafal Guz/PAP

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