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Friday, June 28, 2024

Pope Francis met with the Russian ambassador. Talk about the “agreement in Ukraine”

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Francis spoke with the Russian ambassador a week after the G7 summit in Puglia met with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. The meeting between the pope and Sołtanowski also took place a few days later international conference on Ukraine, organized in Switzerland.

From the message Russian agency Ria Novosti it follows that Vatican is to be aware of Russia's role in conducting peace talks. “Ukrainian issues were discussed, incl conditions for a peaceful solution expressed by Russian President Putin during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Soltanowski expressed his gratitude to the Pope for his consistent, balanced and consistently peace-loving position,” said a representative of the Russian embassy.

According to the Russian side, “Francis is constantly seeking a diplomatic solution, while understanding the complexity and true causes of the acute international conflict.”

“We share the concern about the constant deterioration of the situation in the world. We expressed our readiness to continue regular and trust-based dialogue between Russia and the Holy See,” the Russian mission concluded.

Conference in Switzerland. “Peace is built together”

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Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolinrepresenting the Holy See as an observer at the conference in Switzerland, said in his speech at the forum that Ukraine, “while making enormous efforts to defend itself against aggression, also worked tirelessly on the diplomatic front to achieve a just and lasting peace.”.

Cardinal Parolin emphasized the position of the Holy See that “in the face of war and its tragic consequences, it is important never to give up, but to continue look for ways to end conflict with good intentions, trust and creativity“.

After returning from Switzerland, reporting on the conference, the Secretary of State announced that “its participants pointed out that Russia's absence (during this event – ed.) was a big limitation“.

“Peace is built together,” declared Cardinal Parolin.

Francis has repeatedly announced that he will go to Ukraine if he can also go to Russia.

Peace for Ukrainian territories

June 14 Vladimir Putin he decided once again spread propaganda at a meeting with Russian Foreign Ministry officials. Since the beginning of the invasion Ukraine in February 2022, The Kremlin Claims that Russia was “forced” to intervene militarily. Its main reason was the alleged “genocide” of the inhabitants of Donbas by the “Kiev regime”. These theses have never been confirmed by hard evidence.

– I want to emphasize once again that Russia did not start the war, it was the Kiev regime, I repeat. After the inhabitants of the part Ukraine in accordance with international law, they have declared independence, commenced and continued hostilities (…) Ukraine must withdraw its troops from Russia's new regions – Putin argued.

At the same time, the Russian president demanded that Ukraine give up its intention to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Putin's proposal. Ukraine responded

There was no need to wait for Ukraine's response regarding “peace conditions”. On the same day, advisor to the head of President Zelensky's office Mychajło Podolak In an interview with Reuters, he admitted that “there is no possibility of finding a compromise between Putin's statement and Ukraine's position” He added that the leader's comments “have no connection with the negotiation process.”

Podolak then stated that Putin wanted to impose his narrative before the peace summit in Switzerland.

– Putin's conditions come down to a proposal to Ukraine admitted defeat and renounced its sovereignty – said the official.

Komorowski in ''Presidents and Prime Ministers'' about partnerships: I urge the Left to withdraw from different elements/Polsat News/Polsat News

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