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Russian Baltic Fleet Attacked by Ukraine – Operation “Rybalka”. Military Intelligence in Kiev on the Details

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Ukrainian military intelligence held a press conference in Kiev to boast about the results of the special operation “Rybalka”. The service representative, Andriy Yusov, spoke about damaging the Russian missile ship “Serpukhov” and obtaining secret information about the enemy Baltic Fleet. The Russian sailor “Goga”, who went over to the Ukrainians, also spoke.

The special operation “Rybałka” (Fisherman) was carried out jointly by the military intelligence in Kiev and the Legion “Freedom of Russia”. Assistance in its implementation was provided by a former Russian sailor using the pseudonym “Goga”, who had gone over to the Ukrainian side.

– At the beginning of April this year, information appeared in the information space about an emergency situation on the small missile ship “Serpukhov” in Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region (Królewiec in Poland – ed.). As a result, the ship was seriously damaged and sent for repairs – Andriy Yusov said during a press conference on Wednesday.

As he explained, in reality the emergency situation is the result of the special operation “Rybałka”, which was organized and carried out by the patriots of free Russia from the Legion “Freedom of Russia” and the project “I want to live” (the project was launched by Ukrainian military intelligence, it is addressed to Russian soldiers who want to surrender – ed.).

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“It was Russian citizens who carried out this bold and risky special operation, which caused significant damage to both the Russian Navy and humiliatingly exposed the true state of affairs in the Russian army,” Yusov noted.

READ: Russian fleet 'forced to change tactics'

Press conference on Operation “Rybałka”PAP/Vladislav Musiienko

Sailor “Goga”

In 2023, the Russian sailor “Goga”, who was an opponent of the Kremlin authorities, joined the resistance forces of the Freedom of Russia Legion.

Yusov said that since 2023, Goga had been cooperating with Ukrainian services, passing on important information and “ultimately performed the heroic act of disabling the missile ship”. – This is important because there are few such modern ships (in Russia – ed.). These are ships with Onyx and Kalibr missiles. And of course, these are the same missiles that hit Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure – Yusov noted.

According to Kiev intelligence, Operation Rybalka showed that there are no safe places for the “aggressor state”, and military infrastructure and targets on the vast territory of the Russian Federation can be attacked.

– This is our first operation in the Baltic Fleet. It was a shock and a big surprise for the enemy. After this operation, there were reshuffles, investigations and punishments in the Baltic Fleet. It is obvious that some heads rolled there – Yusov said.

“Goga”, a recruit of the “Freedom of Russia” Legion during a press conference in KievPAP/Vladislav Musiienko

“The commander was shocked”

“Goga” is now in Ukraine. As he confessed during a press conference on Wednesday, he is “ready to continue the fight against Vladimir Putin's regime.” He mentioned that he served in the Baltic Fleet for 11 years. In 2022, when the armed invasion broke out, he was supposedly the only sailor on his ship who opposed the war and did not hide his views.

– I tried to resign, saying that I could not serve in the army. The commander was shocked. He immediately sent me for psychological tests, he thought I was some kind of lunatic, that I was opposing the Russian authorities. He sent me to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, forwarded my report to the command and the prosecutor's office – to all authorities to decide what to do with me next – the Russian recalled.

According to the sailor, the prosecutor's office initiated administrative proceedings against him, but he did not manage to avoid service. Last year, he contacted the “I want to live” project and began cooperation with Ukrainian intelligence.

Baltic Fleet warship “Serpukhov”. Illustrative photo MAXIM SHIPENKOV/PAP

– I would like to say that I made the right decision. choice. Maybe I didn't have enough charisma, I couldn't find the right words to tell them (the people of Russia – ed.) that this war was criminal, it simply shouldn't have happened – “Goga” noted. He appealed to his compatriots to join the “Freedom of Russia” Legion, to “start helping Ukraine win”.

Main image source: MAXIM SHIPENKOV/PAP

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